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Ancestor Chart for George Washington Palmer

Generation 1

1. George Washington Palmer (1810–1889) of Madison County, New York, Monmouth, Warren County, Illinois, and Harrison, Winnebago County, Illinois

Generation 2

2. Major General Noyes Elias Palmer (1742–1821) of Stonington, New London County, Connecticut, Brookfield (now in) Madison County, New York, and Harmony, Chautauqua, New York

3. Esther Palmer (1771–1813) of Stonington and Brookfield

Generation 3

4. Colonel Elias Sanford Palmer (1742–1821) of Stonington

5. Phebe Palmer (1742–1793) of Stonington

6. William Palmer (1731–1801) of Stonington and Brookfield

7. Phebe Darrow (1737–1829) of Stonington and Brookfield

Generation 4

8. Lieutenant Ichabod Palmer (1702–1749) of Stonington and North Stonington

9. Elizabeth Noyes (1706–1760) of Stonington and North Stonington

10. Captain Joseph Palmer (1717–1791) of Stonington

11. Zipporah Billings (1715/6–1765/6) of Stonington

12. William Palmer (1704–after 1777) of Stonington and North Stonington

13. Abigail Wyatt (bp. 1711–after 1777) of Stonington and North Stonington

14. George Darrow (1711/2–after 1769) of New London and Stonington

15. Phebe Palmer (1717–after 1769) of Stonington

Generation 5

16. Captain Ichabod Palmer (bp. 1677–1746/9) of Stonington

17. Hannah Palmer (bp. 1680–1757) of Stonington

18. Captain Thomas Noyes (1679–1755) of Stonington

19. Elizabeth Sanford (c. 1685–1762) of Stonington

20. George Palmer (bp. 1681–1728) of Stonington

21. Hannah Palmer (1694–after 1735) of Stonington

22. Ensign James Billings (1688–1761) of Stonington

23. Mary Hewitt (bp. 1694–1763) of Stonington

24. William Palmer (bp. 1678–after 1729) of Stonington

25. Grace Minor (1683–after 1711) of Stonington

26. Jonathan Wyatt (1677–after 1717) of Dorchester, Westerly and Stonington

27. Martha Vose (1680–after 1717) of Milton, Westerly and Stonington

28. Christopher Darrow (bp. 1678–1757/9) of New London

29. Elizabeth Packer (1679––1758) of New London

30. Joseph Palmer (1690–1789) of Stonington and Voluntown

31. Mary Palmer (1690–1777) of Stonington and Voluntown

Generation 6

32. Gershom Palmer (say 1644–1718) of Stonington

33. Ann Denison (bp. 1649–1706) of New London and Stonington

34. Nehemiah Palmer (bp. 1637–1718) of Charlestown and Stonington

35. Hannah Stanton (say 1645–1727) of Stonington

36. Reverend James Noyes (1640–1719) if Newbury, Massachusetts and Stonington

37. Dorothy Stanton (1650–1743) of Stonington

38. Governor Peleg Sanford (1639–c. 1701) of Rhode Island

39. Mary Coddington (1654–after 1701) of Rhode Island

40. Same as 32

41. Same as 33

42. Lieutenant Joseph Palmer (1663–1710) of Stonington

43. Frances Prentice (c. 1667–after 1710) of Newton, Massachusetts and Stonington

44. Ebenezer Billings (c. 1661–1727) of Stonington and North Stonington

45. Anne Comstock (c. 1661–aft. 1726) of Stonington

46. Lieutenant Benjamin Hewitt (c. 1664–1725) of Stonington

47. Mary Fanning (1664–1743) of Stonington

48. same as 32

49. same as 33

50. Ephraim Minor (bp. 1642–1724) of Hingham and Stonington

51. Hannah Avery (1644–1721) of Gloucester and Stonington

52. Nathaniel Wyatt (bp. 1648–by 1718) of Dorchester

53. Joanna Spurr (c. 1640–1688) of Dorchester

54. Edward Vose (c. 1636–1716) of Milton

55. Abigail Sharp (c. 1648–1712)

56. George Darrow (say 1652–1704) Possible migrant settler of New London

57. Mary Unknown (say 1652–1704) Possible migrant settler of New London

58. John Packer (1657–1701) of New London

59. Lydia Latham (say 1658–by 1679) of New London

60. same as 42

61. same as 43

62. same as 32

63. same as 33

Generation 7

64. Walter Palmer (by c. 1589–1661) Migrant settler of Charlestown, Rehoboth and Stonington

65. Rebecca Short (say 1603–1671) Migrant settler of Charlestown, Rehoboth and Stonington

66. Captain George Denison (bp. 1620 –1694) of Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, Roxbury and Stonington

67. Ann Borodell (say 1625–after 1694) Migrant settler of Stonington and her English ancestors

68. same as 64

69. same as 65

70. Thomas Stanton (c. 1615–1677) Migrant settler of New London and Stonington

71. Anna Lord (bp. 1614–1688) of Towcester, Northamptonshire, New London and Stonington

72. Reverend James Noyes (1608–1656) of Cholderton, Wiltshire and Newbury

73. Sarah Browne (say 1614–after 1664) if Southampton and Newbury

74. same as 70

75. same as 71

76. Governor John Sanford (1600/10–1653) Migrant settler of Boston and Rhode Island

77. Bridget Hutchinson (bp. 1619–1696/8) of Alford, Lincolnshire, Boston and Rhode Island

78. Governor William Coddington (c. 1601–1678) Migrant settler of Boston and Portsmouth, Rhode Island

79. Anne Brinley (c. 1601–1678) of Datchet, Buckinghamshire, Boston and Portsmouth, Rhode Island and her English ancestry

84. same as 34

85. same as 35

86. Thomas Prentice (c. 1629–c. 1729) Migrant settler of Cambridge and Newton

87. Rebecca Jackson (bp. 1638) of Whitechapel, London, Cambridge and Newton

88. William Billings (c. 1629–1713) Migrant settler of Dorchester and Stonington

89. Mary Unknown (d. 1718) Possible migrant settler of Dorchester and Stonington

90. Daniel Comstock (c. 1645–by 1683) of New London

91. Paltiah Elderkin (say 1650–after 1683) of New London

92. Thomas Hewitt (say 1634–after 1662) Migrant settler of Stonington

93. Hannah Palmer (bp. 1634–after 1681) of Charlestown and Stonington

94. Edmund Fanning (say 1625–1683) Probable Migrant settler of Stonington

95. Ellen Unknown of Stonington

100. Lieutenant Thomas Minor (bp. 1608–1690) Migrant settler of Charlestown, Hingham and New London and his English ancestry (bp. 1608–1690)

101. Grace Palmer (bp. 1608–1690) of Charlestown, Hingham and New London

102. James Avery (c. 1620–1700) of Gloucester and New London

103. Joanna Greenslade (say 1623–1697) of Gloucester and New London

104. Edward Wyatt (d. 1681) Probable Migrant settler of Dorchester

105. Mary Unknown (d. 1705) Probable Migrant settler of Dorchester

106. Robert Spurr (c. 1610–1703) of Dorchester

108. Robert Vose (c. 1599–1683) of Garston and Ditton, Lancashire, Dorchester and Milton

109. Jane Moss (say 1609–1675) of Ditton, Lancashire, Dorchester and Milton

110. Richard Sharp (c. 1615–1654) Migrant settler of Rehoboth, Braintree, Milton and Roxbury

111. Abigail Wright (c. 1623­–1702/7) of Rehoboth, Braintree, Milton, Roxbury and Scituate

116. John Packer (say 1631–probably after c. 1685) Probable Migrant settler of Groton

117. Elizabeth Unknown (say 1636–by 1678) of Groton

118. Cary Latham (bp. 1613 –1685) of Aldenham, Hertfordshire and New London and his English ancestry

119. Elizabeth Masters

Generation Eight

132. William Denison (bp. 1571–1654) of Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire and Roxbury and his English ancestry

133. Margaret Chandler (d. 1646) of Hertfordshire and Roxbury and her English ancestry

142. Thomas Lord (c. 1585–aft. 1644) of Towcester, Northamptonshire, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Hartford and his English ancestry

143. Dorothy Bird (bp. 1588–1670/5) of Towcester, Cambridge and Hartford and her English ancestry

154. William Hutchinson (bp. 1586–after 1641) of Alford, Lincolnshire, Boston and Portsmouth, Rhode Island and his English ancestry

155. Anne Marbury (bp. 1591–1643) of Alford, Boston, Portsmouth and (now) Westchester County, New York and her English ancestry

174. Edward Jackson (bp. 1604–1681) of Stepney, London and Newton and his English ancestry

175. Frances Unknown (say 1610–1648) Migrant settler of Newton

180. William Comstock Migrant settler of Hartford and New London

182. John Elderkin (c. 1616–1687) Migrant settler of Lynn, Boston, Dedham, Reading, New London and Norwich

181. Abigail Unknown (d. by 1660) Probably migrant settler of Lynn, Boston, Dedham, Reading and New London(d. by 1660)

186. same as 64

187. same as 65

202. same as 64

204. Christopher Avery (d. 1679) Migrant settler of Gloucester, Boston and New London

222. Captain Richard Wright (by c. 1596–after 1668) Migrant settler of Lynn, Boston, Braintree, Rehoboth, Ipswich and East Hartford

238. John Masters (c. 1581–1639) Migrant settler of Watertown, Cambridge and Boston