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William Comstock

The origins of the migrant ancestor William Comstock are unknown. He married Elizabeth Unknown. She was 55 in 1663. [1]

William bought land on the Connecticut River in Wethersfield from Richard Mills on 28 (2) 1641. [1]

Richard Mills sued William Comstock and John Sadler for slander at a 1 August 1644 meeting of the court. [2]

In March 1648/9 William was bound for good behavior and ordered to appear before the court in June. [2]

William Comstock came from Hartford to New London in 1649. He was present at a town meeting in New London on 10 November 1650. He applied for a house lot on 25 February 16501/1 and received one on Post Hill near the present corner of Vauxhall and Williams Streets. [1]

Children of William and (maybe) Elizabeth Comstock:

i. Daniel Comstock was born say 1645. He died before 13 November 1683. He married Pelatiah Elderkin.

ii. John Comstock married Abigail Unknown. She married Moses Huntley of Lynn before 1680. [1]

iii. Samuel Comstock (maybe) died about 1660 in Providence. He married Ann Unknown. [3]

In March 1648/9 Samuel Comstock was bound for good behavior and in ten days was to be brought to prison or to post security for a longer period and to satisfy Mr. Robins for the loss of his servant. In April 1649 the court and Mr. Robins freed him from their recogniscances. [2]

iv. Christopher Comstock (maybe) died on 28 December 1702. He married Hannah Platt. [3]

v. Elizabeth Comstock (maybe) died in July 1659. She married Edward Shipton of Saybrook in January 1651. [3]


1. Frances Mainwaring Caulkins, History of New London, Connecticut (New London: H.T. Utley, 1895), 66, 68, 71, 305.

2. J. Hammond Trumble, The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, vol. 1 (Hartford: Brown & Parsons, 1850), 109, 177, 182.

3. John Adams Comstock, A History and Genealogy of the Comstock Family in America (Los Angeles: Commonwealth Press, 1949), 2–12.Revised July 11, 2023