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JOHN CLARK (1650–1736), son of Richard Clark and Alice Unknown

MARY POORE (1651–1726), daughter of John Poore and Sarah Unknown

John, the son of Richard and Alice Clark, was born on 26 March 1650 in Rowley. [1] He died of palsy on 21 December 1736, age 86 years and nine months. [1][2] He married Mary, the daughter of John Poore, Sr., on 10 January 1672 in Rowley. [1][2]

The church record of John's death called him, "a good old man." [2]

Mary, the daughter of John Poore, was born on 21 March 1650[/1?] in Newbury. [3] She died on 10 September 1726 in Rowley. [1][2]

In their depositions about the death of Elizabeth Jackson, it is made clear that Mary Clark is the sister of Elizabeth Jackson; they are both the daughters of father Poore and John and Henry Poore are their brothers. [4, 6: 28–29]

Children of John Clark and Mary Poore:

i. Sarah Clark was born on 7 September 1675 in Rowley. [1] She married James Ordway of Newbury on 19 June 1696. [1][2]

ii. Richard Clark was born on 10 November 1677 in Rowley. [1] He died there of small pox on 11 July 1730. [1] He married first Abigail Wicom of Newbury on 2 December 1702 in Rowley. [1] Abigail was the daughter of John Wicom and Abigail Kimball. [2] She died on 17 October 1722 in Rowley. [1] He married second Abigail Kilbourne on 9 August 1726/7 in Rowley. [1]

The net value of Richard's large estate was over 1,000 pounds. [2]

iii. John Clark was born on 4 or 24 November 1679 in Rowley. [1] John, Jr. there died on 14 August 1702. [1]

iv. Judah Clark was born on 7 February 1681 in Rowley. [1] He married Hannah Kilbourne on 5 April 1704 in Rowley. [1] She died on 28 January 1713. [2] He married second Ruth, the daughter of Sergeant Caleb and Hannah Boynton, on 1 February 1714/5. [2]

v. Mary Clark was born on 8 February 1683 in Rowley. She married first Joseph Kilbourne. She married second Samuel Kelly.

vi. Martha Clark was born on 23 March 1685 or 1688 in Rowley [1] She was buried there on 22 April 1688. [1]

vii. Esther Clark was born on 23 March 1686 in Rowley. [1] She died there on 25 December 1726. [1]

viii. Ebenezer Clark was born on 28 February 1689 in Rowley. [1] He died there on 28 April 1716, age 28. [1] He married Lydia Dresser on 14 October 1714. [1] Lydia was the daughter of John Dresser. [2]

ix. Jonathan Clark was born on 17 September 1691 in Rowley. [1] He married Jane Pengre on 17 December 1716 in Rowley. [1]

x. Benjamin Clark (twin) was born and died on 12 October 1693 in Rowley. [1]

xi. Joseph Clark (twin) was born and died on 12 October 1693 in Rowley. [1]


1. Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1928, 1931).


1: 48 Benjamin, s. twin, John and Mary, Oct. 12, 1693.
1: 48 Ebenezer (Clarke), s. John and Mary, Feb. 28, 1689.
1: 48 Hester (Clarke), d. John and Mary, Mar. 23, 1686.
1: 48 John (Clarke), s. Richard and Alce, 26:1m:1650.
1: 48 John (Clarke), s. John and Mary, Nov. 4 [24. CT. R.], 1679.
1: 48 Jonathan, s. John and Mary, Sept. 17, 1691.
1: 48 Joseph, s. twin, John and Mary, Oct. 12, 1693.
1: 49 Judah, s. John [d. John. CT. R.] and Mary, Feb. 7, 1681
1: 49 Martha (Clarke), d. John and Mary, Mar. 23, 1688. [1685. CT. R.]
1: 49 Mary, d. John and Mary, Feb. 8, 1683.
1: 49 Richard (Clarke), s. John and Mary, Nov. 10, 1677.
1: 49 Sarah [Clarke, CT. R.], d. John, Sept. 7, 1675.

1: 269 Ebenezer (Clarke), and Lidya Dresser, Oct. 14, 1713.
1: 270 John (Clarke), and Mary Poore, d. John, sr., Jan. 10, 1672.*
1: 270 Jonathan (Clarke), and Jane Pengre, Dec. 17, 1716.
1: 270 Judah (Clarke) [Judith, int.], and Hannah Kilborn, Apr. 5, 1704.
1: 270 Mary (Clarke), and Joseph Kilburn, June 6, 1707.
1: 270 Richard (Clarke), and Abigaill Wycom [of Newbury, int.], Dec. 2, 1702.
1: 270 Richard, and Abgail Kilburn. Aug. 9, 1727. [1726-7. int.]
1: 270 Juda (Clarke), and Ruth Boynton, Feb. 1, 1714-15.
1: 271 Sarah (Clarke), and James Orduway of Newbury, June 19, 1696.*

1: 453 Benjamin, s. Jo[h]n and Mary, Oct. 12, 1693.
1: 453 Ebenezer, Apr. 28, 1716, in his 29th y. G.R. 1.
1: 453 Joseph, s. Jo[h]n and Mary, Oct. 12, 1693.
1: 453 Martha (Clarke), d. John and Mary, bur. Apr. 22, 1688.

2: 10 Abigail, w. Richard, Oct. 17, 1722.
2: 10 Hannah, w. Judah, Jan. 28, 1713.
2: 10 Hester, d. John, Sept. 25, 1726.
2: 10 John, palsy, Dec. 21, 1736, a. 86 y. 9 m.
2: 10 John, jr., s. John, Aug. 14, 1702.
2: 10 Richard, small pox, July 11, 1730.
2: 10 ____, w. John, Sept. 10, 1726.

2. Thomas Bellows Peck, Richard Clark and His Descendants (Boston: David Clapp & Son, 1905).

3. Vital Records of Newbury, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1911).

POOR 428 Mary, d. John, Mar. 21, 1650.

4. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols., digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

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