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ALICE UNKNOWN (d. bef. 1673)

Richard Clark died between 7 and 22 February 1673. He married Alice ___ in June 1643 in Rowley. [1]

Richard and Alice were the second couple married in Rowley. [2]

Richard may have come to New England with the company of Reverend Ezekiel Rogers, who came from Rowley in the East Riding of Yorkshire. [2]

Richard was made a freeman at the March 1647 quarterly court in Ipswich. [3, 1: 111]

Richard was on a coroner's enquest that returned a verdict on 26 January 1670 that William Scales died when the limb of a tree fell on him, breaking his skull. [3, 4: 320]

Richard Clarke of Rowley made his will on 7 February 1673. He said, "having desposed of my Children in marriage and not haveing much to despose yet that all Love may be continued betwixt my Son and daughter my will is that my Son John Clarke shall have all my Stocke in cattell horses sheepe and Swine and two thirds of my provission and Instruments of husbandry he paying all my debts and funerall expenses." He left his daughter Esther Hobkinson all his household goods (except the red rug on his bed, which was to go to John) and a third of his provision and husbandry instruments. He named John his executor. The will was proved on 31 March 1674. Inventory was taken on 22 February 1673 and attested to by John on 31 March 1674. [4]

Children of Richard and Alice Clark:

i. Judah Clark was born on 5 June 1644 in Rowley. [1] He was buried there on 28 July 1660. [1]

i. Esther Clark was born on 10 October 1645 in Rowley. [1] She married Jonathan Hopkinson on 11 May 1666 in Rowley. [1][2]

i. Mary Clark was born on 22 December 1648 in Rowley. [1] She was buried there on 14 June 1660. [1]

i. John Clark was born on 26 March 1650 in Rowley. [1] He married Mary Poore.

i. Martha Clark was born on 10 March 1656 in Rowley. [1][3, 2: 4] She was buried there on 16 June 1660. [1]


1. Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1928, 1931).


1: 48 Hester (Clarke), d. Richard and Alc[e], 10:8m:1645.
1: 48 John (Clarke), s. Richard and Alce, 26:1m:1650.
1: 48 Judah (Clarke), s. Richard and Alce, 5:4m:1644.
1: 49 Martha (Clarke), d. Richard and Alice, 10:1m:1656.
1: 49 Mary (Clarke), d. Richard and Alce, 22: 10m: 1648.

1: 270 Hester (Clarke), d. Richard, and Jonathan Hopkinson, May 11, 1666.*
1: 270 Richard (Clarke), and Alice ——, —:6m: 1643.*

1: 453 Judah, s. Richard, bur. July 28, 1660.
1: 453 Martha (Clarke) [d. Richard, CT. R.], bur. June 16, 1660.
1: 453 Mary (Clarke) [d. Richard, CT. R.], bur. June 14, 1660.

2. Thomas Bellows Peck, Richard Clark and His Descendants (Boston: David Clapp & Son, 1905).

3. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols., digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

4. "Essex County, MA: Early Probate Records, 1635–1681," database with images,, 2: 389–90.

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