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SAMUEL BIGELOW (1653–1732), son of John Bigelow and Mary Warren

MARY FLAGG (1658–1720), daughter of Thomas Flagg and Mary Unknown

Samuel, the son of John and Mary Bigelow, was born on 28 October 1653 in Watertown. [1][2] He is probably the Samuel Bigelow who died on 1 February 1731/2, age 80, in Waltham. [3] He married Mary Flagg on 3 June 1674 in Watertown. [1]

Mary, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Flagg, was born on 14 January 1657/8 in Watertown. [1][2] She died on 7 September 1720 in Watertown. [1][2]

Samuel may have been staying with his son Thomas, who lived in Waltham, when he died.

Samuel was admitted to the church in Watertown on 15 April 1688. [1]

Samuel was chosen one of the tithingmen in Watertown on 17 January 1681 and 2 March 1712/3. [4, 11, 212] He was chosen a surveyer on 7 November 1687 and 20 May 1689. [4, 33, 37] He was chosen constable on 7 November 1692. [4, 53] He was appointed to a committee to find housing for the minister on 21 December 1696. [4, 108] He was appointed to a committee to view the school house and estimate what it would cost to repair it. [4, 110] He was chosen a selectman on 21 March 1696/7, 1 March 1707/8, 6 March 1709/10, 7 March 1714/5, and 5 March 1715/6. [4, 112, 181, 194, 231, 238]

Samuel was allowed to keep a "publick house of Entertainment for travelers" in Watertown on 17 March 1700. [4, 137]

Mr. Samuel Bigelow was chosen Representative for Watertown on 7 May 1708, 10 May 1709, and 15 May 1710. [4, 183, 189, 196] He was appointed to repair the pound on 10 April 1716. [4, 239]

Samuel Bigelow, yeoman of Watertown, being "sick & weak," made his will on 30 September 1720. He mentioned that he had already made gifts to his four sons and left John and Samuel each five shillings and Isaac 30 pounds. He left Thomas five pounds and named him his executor. He left his daughters Mercy Garfield, Abigail Cutler and Deliverance Stearns each 17 pounds. He left his son-in-laws Thomas Read, Josiah How and Daniel Warren each five shillings over what he had previously given them. He left his grandson David Bruce land in Marlborough; his grandchildren Nathaniel, Isaac, and Thomas Read each 20 shillings at age 20; his granddaughter Catherine Read 17 pounds and everything of her mother's in his keeping when she came of age or married; his grandchilden Phinehas, Abraham, and Rachel How each ten pounds when they came of age; his grandchilden Samuel, Daniel, and Hannah Warren each ten pounds pounds when they came of age. [5]

On 17 February 1731/2 Thomas Bigelow provided the names of heirs: John and Samuel Bigelow of Marlborough, Sarah and Rachel How of Marlborough, Deliverance Stearns of Worcesger, Catherine Read of [?]borough, David Bruce of Southborough, Thomas and Isaac Read of sudbury, and Mercy Garfield of Weston. Probate was on 21 February 1731/2. [5]

Children of Samuel Bigelow and Mary Flagg: Births recorded in Watertown as the children of Samuel and Mary. [1]

i. John Bigelow was born on 9 May 1675. John of Watertown married Jerusha Garfield of Watertown on 2 January 1695 in Watertown. [1] Jerusha, the daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Gale) Garfield of Watertown, was born on 6 June 1677 and died on 16 January 1758 in Marlborough. [6]

John and Jerusha were the great-great-grandparents of Dorothea Dix (Mary Bigelow, Charles Bigelow, Joseph Bigelow, John Bigelow). [7]

ii. Mary Bigelow was born on 12 September 1677. She died on 21 February 1707/8 in Sudbury. She married first David Bruce. She married second Thomas Read.

iii. Samuel Bigelow was born on 18 September 1679. He married first Ruth Warren of Watertown on 28 March 1705 in Watertown. [6] She died on 12 April 1716 in Marlborough. [6] He married second Mary Gleason on 4 December 1716. [6]

iv. Sarah Bigelow was born on 1 October 1681. She is probably the daughter who married Josiah How.

v. Thomas Bigelow was born on 24 October 1683. He died on 6 October 1756 in Waltham. [6] He married Mary Livermore of Watertown on 12 July 1705 in Watertown. [1] She died on 14 August 1753. [6]

Thomas and Mary moved to Waltham about 1720. [6]

vi. Mercy Bigelow was born on 4 April 1686. She married Thomas Garfield on 2 January 1706/7. [1]

vii. Abigail Bigelow was born on 7 March 1687[/8?]. She was baptized on 15 April 1688 in Watertown. [1] She married Jonathan Cuttler of "Killinsle" on 17 August 1710 in Watertown. [1]

viii. Hannah Bigelow [6] was probably born about 1689. She married Daniel Warren on 24 May 1711. [6]

Daniel and Hannah lived in Westborough and Shrewsbury. [6]

ix. Sergeant Isaac Bigelow was born on 19 March 1690/1. He was baptized on 20 April 1690[!] in Watertown. [1] He died on 11 September 1751 in Colchester, Connecticut. [6] He married Mary Bond of Watertown on 29 December 1701 in Watertown. [1][6] She died on 9 July 1775 in Colchester. [6]

Isaac and Mary moved to Colchester shortly after they married. [6] Isaac was commissioned a sergeant in 1744. [6]

x. Deliverance Bigelow was born on 22 September 1695. Deliverance of Watertown married John Stearns of Watertown on 10 August 1715 in Watertown. [1]


1. "Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620–1850, database with images, > Watertown.


1: 17 Samuell sonn of John & Mary bornn the 28 of October 1653
1: 38 Samuel and mary Flegg. Joyned in Maryage the third of June. 1674
1: 39 John son of Samuell and and mary borne the ninth of may 1675
1: 43 Mary daughter of Samuell and Mary borne the 12th of September 1677
1: 46 Samuel Son of Samuel and Mary borne th the 18 of September 1679
1: 49 Sary Daughter of Samuel & Mary borne the first of October 1681
1: 53 Thomas son of Samuel and Mary Borne the 24 of October 1683
1: 57 Mathe (sic) Daughter of Samuell & Mary borne the 4th of Aprill 1686
1: 59 Abigal (sic) daughter of Samuel & Mary borne the seventh of March 1687
1: 63 Isaac son of Samuell and Mary Born the: 19: of March 1690/1
2: 3 John Bigelow and Jerusha Gearfield wear joyned in marriage: 2: jan 1695:6: both of water Town before William Bond esqr
2: 5 Diliuerance (sic) Biglo (sic) Daughter of samuel & mary Biglo was born the: 22: of September: 1695
2: 20 Thomas Biglo of Marlebourough, and Mary Livermore of Water town wer Joyned in Marriage by Jonas Bond Esqr. Justice of the peace July 12: 1705.
2: 23 Thomas Gearfield: &: Mercy Biglo (sic): both of water town wear Joyned in Marriage the: 2: of January: 1706/7: by mr Samuel Angier: Minister of water town.
2: 40 Isaac Biglo (sic) and Mary Bond both of Watertown were Joyned in Marriage December 29; 1709 by Jonas Bond Justice of the Peace.
2: 41 Middlfex Watertown August the 17th 1710 Jonathan Cuttler of Killinsle & Abigail Biglo of Watertown were Joyned in Mar riage by Jonas Bond-Justice of the Peace.
2: 54 John Stearns and Deliverance Biglow (sic) Both of Watertown were Joyned In Marriage August ye. 10th 1715 By Mr. Samuell An gier Minister in watertown.
2: 66 Mrs. Mary Biglo wif of Mr. Saml1: Biglo Deced the, 7*. Sep tember, 1720.
4: 120 Ye 15th of Arpill 1688 I admitted on viz Samuell (sic) Bigelow.
4: 126 (baptism) Ye 15th of Aprill 1688 Samuell Bigulows (sic) child called Abigaill (sic)
4: 128 (baptism) ye 20th of Aprill 1690 one of Samuel Biggulo's (sic) called Isaac (sic)


1: 20 (1657) Mary Daughter of Thomas & Mary born the 14 of January

2. Alicia Crane Williams, "Early New England Families, 1641–1700," database with images, > John Bigelow (m. 1642, 1694).

3. "Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620–1850, database with images, > Waltham, 253: Samuel, Feb. 1, 1731-2, in 81st y. G.R..

4. Watertown Historical Society, Watertown Records (Watertown: Fred G. Barker, 1894, 1900): vol. 2.

5. "Middlesex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1648–1871," database with images,, case 1728 (Samuel Bigelow).

6. Gilman Bigelow Howe, Genealogy of the Bigelow Family of America (n.p.: n.p., 1890).

7. Gary Boyd Roberts, "Nineteenth-Century Heroines," NEHGS NEXUS 7 (1990): 210.

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