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Children of Reverend John Lothrop:

ii. John Lothrop married Mary Cole.

ii. Thomas Lothrop married Sarah Learned.

iii. Samuel Lothrop married Abigail Doane in the early 1690s. [gmb]

iv. Barnabas Lothrop married Susannah Clark.

v. Elizabeth Lothrop married John Williams.

On 7 June 1665, after receiving many complaints about John Williams, Jr.'s treatment of his wife—calling her a whore and denying that her child was legitimate—the Court ordered John and his wife to appear. After listening to them, the Court admonished both an ordered them to live peacefully. On 3 October 1665 Ensign John Williams appeared in Court to answer the Mr. Barnabas Lothrop's complaint on behalf of his sister. His wife pleaded her innocence with respect to the child. John demanded a jury trial, but when it was offered he refused. The Courth proclaimed that Elizabeth, the wife of John, had been falsely accused of bearing an illegitimate child. On 1 May 1666, after John's continued bad behavior toward his wife, the Court permitted her to stay with friends and ordered John to provide for her. On 5 June 1666 a jury strongly condemned John's behavior and ordered him to pay his wife ten pounds a year. He was ordered to set aside one-third of his estate for her and was fined 20 pounds. The Court also ordered him to stand in the street or market place with a sign proclaiming his bad behavior. This last punishment was remitted at the earnest request of his wife. On 5 June 1667 the Court orderd Captain James Cudworth and Joseph Tilden to demand from John and receive what was due Elizabeth. [PCR, 4: 93, 107, 121, 125–6, 153]


PCR. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of Plymouth Colony: Court Orders, vol. 1, 1633–1640, vol. 2, 1641–1651, vol. 3, 1651–1661, vol. 4, 1661–1668 (Boston: William White, 1855).

gmb. "The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620–1633, Volumes I-III," digitized book,, originally Published as: Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, 3 volumes (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995), 558–63.

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