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ANN UNKNOWN (d. 1684)

Robert Haseltine died on 27 August 1674 in Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts. [1][2] He married Ann ___ on 23 December 1639 in Rowley, Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts. [3]

Ann ___ died on 26 July 1684 in Bradford. [1]

Robert may have been the brother of John Haseltine.

Ezekiel Rogers, a Yorkshire minister, came with about 20 families to Boston in 1638. On 13 March 1638/9 land between Ipswich and Newbury was laid out. Settlement began in April 1639 and the town of Rowley was incorporated that September. Robert was one of Rogers's company. [4]

Robert was a freeman on 13 May 1640. [4]

George Hadley sued Robert for trespass; for felling several trees. The March 1663 court found for George. Robert claimed the land was his and the June 1663 court granted his request for an appeal. [5, 3: 35–37, 74]

Robert was on the trial jury at the September 1665 court in Ipswich. [5, 3: 270] He was on the grand jury at the September 1666, March 1667, and September 1667 courts in Ipswich. [5, 3: 344, 387, 436]

Robert Haseltine of Bradford made his will on 21 October 1673; it was proved on 29 September 1674. He named his wife Anna and his son David Haseltine his executors. He left his children David, Abraham, Robert, Gershom, Anna, Deliverance, and Mercy land. He left ten acres of upland to the minister Mr. Zachariah Simmes if he continued his ministry in Bradford for ten years and to the town for the ministry if he did not. He left thirty pounds outright to his wife Anna and the rest of his estate—including his house, barn, household goods, orchard, pasture, husbandry tools, provisions and debts due him—to her for life, with the provision that she pay his debts and give his grandchild Anna (daughter of Caleb Kimball) ten pounds when she married. At her death, this share was to be divided equally divided among his children. Inventor was taken on 19 September 1674. It amounted to £488-08-00, but did not include the land given to David and Abraham, which they were possessed of during his lifetime. [2]

The March 1677 court heard the widow Ann Haseltine's case against Nathan Webster for killing her mare. Nathan was assessed costs and damages. [5, 6: 252–3] Nathan was the husband of Mary, the daughter of (the above) John Haseltine. [6] Robert Haseltine, age 20, deposed that his cousin admitted killing his mother's mare. David and Abraham Haseltine deposed that they tracked the killer to Nathan's house. Henry Kimball and Mercy, the wife of Benjamin Kimball, deposed that Nathan said he killed the mare to increase the market for his own mare. Thomas Hardy and Caleb Hopkinson said that Nathan also admitted to killing his uncle Robert Haseltine's sheep. [5, 6: 252–3]

Children of Robert and Ann Haseltine:

i. Anna Haseltine was born on 1 April 1641 in Rowley. [3] She married Caleb Kimball on 7 November 1660 in Ipswich. [7]

ii. Mercy Haseltine was born in October 1642 in Rowley. [3]

iii. Captain David Haseltine was born about 1644. He died on 31 August 1717 in Bradford. [1] He married Mary Jewett on 26 November 1668 in Bradford. [1]

David deposed that he was about 18 on 30 March 1663. [5, 3: 33–37]

iv. Mary Haseltine was born on 14 February 1646/7 in Rowley. [3]

v. Abraham Haseltine was born on 23 May 1648 in Rowley. He died on 28 April 1711 in Bradford. He married first Elizabeth Longhorne. He married second Hannah ___.

vi. Deliverance Haseltine was born on 25 March 1651 in Rowley. [3] She buried there on 14 July 1654. [3]

vii. Elizabeth Haseltine was born on 15 January 1652 in Rowley. [3] She was buried there on 18 July 1654. [3]

viii. Deliverance Haseltine was born about 1654. She died on 15 June 1735. [8] She married Nathaniel Dane (Deane) on 12 December 1672 in Andover. [9][10] Nathaniel, the son of Reverend Francis Dane—minister at Andover—was born about 1645 and died on 14 April 1725. [8]

Deliverance Dane was accused of witchcraft in 1692.. She escaped execution but was imprisoned for 13 weeks. [8][11]

ix. Corporal Robert Haseltine was born on 7 November 1657 in Rowley. [3][5, 2: 58] He died on 8 March 1729 in Bradford. [3] He married Elizabeth Jewett on 21 July 1680 in Bradford. [1] She died on 22 November 1708 in Bradford. [1]

x. Gershom Haseltine was born on 28 December 1661 or 31 January 1661/2 in Rowley. [3] He married Abiah Dalton, on 23 June 1690 in Bradford. [1]


1. Vital Records of Bradford, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1907).


1: 223 David, and Mary Jewet, 26 : 9m : 1668. CT. R.
1: 223 Gershom, and Gershom, and Abiah Dalton, June 23, 1690. CT. R.. CT. R.
1: 223 Robert, and Elizabeth Jewett, July 21, 1680. CT. R.

1: 326 David, Capt., Aug. 31, 1717.
1: 326 Elisabeth, w. Robert, Nov. 22, 1708.
1: 326 Hannah [w. Robart. G.R.1.], Mar. 13, 1729.
1: 327 Anne, wid., July 26, 1684.
1: 327 Robert, sr., Aug. 27, 1674.
1: 327 Robert [Corporal, dup.], Mar. 8, 1729. [in his 74th. G.R.1.]

2. George Francis Dow, The Probate Records of Essex County, Massachusetts, vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1916, 1917, 1920): 2: 413–6.

3. Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1928, 1931).


1: 90 Abraham, s. Robert and Ann, 23:3m:1648.
1: 90 Anna, d. Robert and An, 1:2m:1641.
1: 90 Deliverance, d. Robert and Ann, 25:1m:1651.
1: 90 Elizabeth, d. Robert and A[nn], Jan. 15, 1652.
1: 90 Gershom (Hesseltine), s. Robert, "the last of" Jan. [Dec. 28. CT. R.], 1661.
1: 90 Mary, d. Robert and An, 14:12m:1646.
1: 90 Mercy, d. Robert and Ann, __:8m:1642.
1: 90 Robert [Hasseltine. CT. R.], s. Robert and Anna, 7:9m:1657.

1: 471 Deliverance, d. Robert and Ann, bur. 14: 5m: 1654.
1: 471 Elizabeth, d. Robert and Ann, bur. 18: 5m: 1654.

1: 309 Robert (Haselton), and An ----, 23: 10m: 1639.*
1: 309 Abraham (Hezeltine), and Elizabeth Longhor[ne], Oct. 7, 1669

4. Patricia Law Hatcher, "Ezekiel Rogers' Company," Great Migration Newsletter 18 (2009): 19–22, 27–30.

5. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols., digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

6. "Great Migration 1634–1635, T–Y," digitized book,,  originally published as:  Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634–1635, Volume VII, T–Y (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011), 264.

7. Vital Records of Ipswich, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, 2 vols. (Salem: Essex Institute, 1910), vol. 1, vol. 2.

HASELTINE 2: 209 Anna, and Caleb Kimball, Nov. 7, 1660. CT. R.

8. "John Dane's Narrative," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 8 (1854): 148.

9. "New England Marriages to 1700," digitized books, AmericanAncestors, originally published as Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015), 1: 417 DEANE, Nathaniel (?1645-1725) & Deliverance HASELTINE (?1654-1735); 12 Dec 1672; Andover.

10. Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1912).

2: 170 HEASLETINE Deliverance, and Nathaniell Deane, Dec. 12, 1672.

11. "SWP No. 039: Deliverance Dane," Salem Witchcraft Papers, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

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