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NATHANIEL BARKER (1644–1722), son of James Barker and Grace Unknown

MARY KILBOURNE (1649–1727), daughter of George Kilbourne and Elizabeth Unknown

Nathaniel Barker, the son of James and Grace Barker, was born on 15 October 1644 in Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts. [1] Nathaniel, "an aged man," died on 10 November 1722 in Rowley. [1] Helliwell argues that Nathaniel's wife Mary was probably the daughter of George Kilbourne of Rowley. [2]

Mary, the daughter of George and Elizabeth Kilbourne, was born on 3 May 1649 in Rowley. [1] She might be "Ye Aged Widow," who died on 12 May 1727 in Rowley. [1]

Mr. Jeremiah Shepard began preaching in Rowley in 1672/3. The town agreed to pay him 50 pounds a year. Thirty-three people dissented, including Nathaniel and his brothers James, Jr. and Barzillai. [3]

Mary was a member of the first church in Rowley on 16 April 1676; Nathaniel was a member on 18 April 1677. [4, 82]

Mary Barker, relict of Nathaniel, late of Rowley, being "aged and weak in body," requested that her son Nathan Barker be the administrator of Nathaniel's estate on 7 April 1724. This was granted, and Nathan posted bond the same day. Inventory was presented on 23 June 1729 and amounted to £325-12-__. It was noted that Jacob had been given £111-10-00 worth of land during his father's lifetime and James had been given £118-00-00 worth. A 23 June 1729 receipt was signed by William and Mercy Gage, Mary Scott, Joanna Dresser, and Joseph Brocklebank. [5]

Children of Nathaniel Barker and Mary Kilbourne:

i. Elizabeth Barker was born on 5 May 1672 in Rowley. [1] She was baptized there on 2 May 1673. [4, 106] She married Joseph Brocklebank on 18 February 1701/2 in Rowley. [1]

Elizabeth, the daughter of Nathaniel, was a member of the first church in Rowley on 14 January 1693. [4, 84]

ii. Nathan Barker was born on 16 August 1674 in Rowley. [1] He died "suddenly" on 24 November 1752 in Rowley. [1]

Nathan was a member of the first church in Rowley on 4 January 1701. [4, 87]

Nathan died intestate and the court ordered his estate divided into seven equal shares for his seven brothers and sisters, or their heirs, on 29 July 1754. The 21 March 1757 division included his eldest [living] brother James; the heirs of his sister Elizabeth Brocklebank; the widow Mary Scott; the widow Mercy Gage; the heirs of Joanna Dresser; the heirs of Jacob Barker; the heirs of Nathaniel Barker. [5]

iii. Jacob Barker was born on 14 January 1676 in Rowley. [1] He was baptized on 21 January 1677 in Rowley. [4, 108] He died on 27 January 1725 in Rowley. [1] He married Margaret Tenney on 30 December 1701 in Rowley. [1] The widow Margaret married second Jeremiah Hopkinson on 20 May 1728 in Rowley. [1]

Jacob may have been named for his uncle Jacob Kilbourne, who died in King Philip's War on 18 September 1675. [2]

Jacob's wife was a member of the first church in Rowley on 20 August 1704. [4, 87]

Jacob made his will on 21 January 1725/6; it was proved on 21 February 1725/6?]. He named his wife Margaret his executrix and left her his personal estate. He left her the administration of his real estate until his eldest son Jacob became 21. After that, she was to have half for her widowhood and Jacob was to have administration of the other half. He was to pay bequests to his sisters Mercy and Hannah and his brothers Thomas, Joseph and Nathaniel. [5]

iv. Mary Barker was born on 11 July 1679 in Rowley. [1] She was baptized there on 13 July 1679. [4, 109] She married Joseph Scott on 25 November 1707 in Rowley. [1]

v. Mercy Barker was born on 20 March 1684 in Rowley. [1][6, 9: 429] She was baptized there on 23 March 1684. [4, 111] She died a widow on 10 October 1775, age 92, in Rowley. [1] She married William Gage on 9 July 1707 in Rowley. [1] He died on 18 March 1730, age 47, in Rowley. [1]

vi. James Barker was born on 14 March 1686. He died on 16 March 1764 in Rowley. He married Sarah Wicom.

vii. Joanna Barker was baptized on 20 November 1681 in Rowley. [1][4, 110] She died a widow on 14 October 1741 in Rowley. [1] She married Joseph Dresser on 6 August 1712 in Rowley. [1] Joseph was probably the son of Samuel and Mary Dresser, born on 13 or 14 March 1679 or 17 March 1680 in Rowley. [1]

viii. Nathaniel Barker was born on 6 June 1693 in Rowley. [1] He is mentioned in his brother Nathan's will.


1. Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849vol. 1vol. 2 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1928, 1931).


1: 19 Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel, May 5, 1672.
1: 19 Jacob, s. Nathanel and Mary, Jan. 14, 1676.
1: 19 James, s. Nathaniell [Nathan, C. R. 1.] and Mary, Oct. 14, 1686
1: 19 Johanna, d. Nathaniel, bp. Nov. 20, 1681. C. R. 1.
1: 19 Mary, d. Nathaniel and Mary, July 11, 1679.
1: 20 Mercy, d. Nathaniell and Mary, Mar. 20, 1684.
1: 20 Nathan, s. Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 16, 1674.
1: 20 Nathaniell (Barkar), s. James and Grace, 15:8m:1644.
1: 20 Nathaneal, s. Nathanel and Mary, June 6, 1693.

1: 246 Elizabeth, and Joseph Brockelebanke, Feb. 18, 1701-2.
1: 246 Jacob, and Margarit Tenney, Dec. 30, 1701.
1: 246 Johanna, and Joseph Dresser, Aug. 6, 1712.
1: 247 Margret, wid., and Jeremiah Hopkinson, May 20, 1728.*
1: 247 Mary, and Joseph Scott, Nov. 25, 1707.
1: 247 Mercy, and William Gage, July 9, 1707.


1: 444 Jacob, Jan. 27, 1725.

2: 7 Nathan, suddenly, Nov. 24, 1752.
2: 7 Nathanael, an aged man, Nov. 10, 1722.
2: 7 ____, "Ye Aged Widow," May 12, 1727.


1: 69 Joseph (Dreser), s. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 14 [13. CT. R.], 1679
1: 69 [Joseph, s. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 17, 1680. different ink.]

1: 461 Johanah (Dressar), wid., Oct. 14, 1741.


1: 465 Marcy, wid., Oct. 10, 1775, in her 93d y.
1: 466 William, Mar. 18, 1730, in his 48th y. G.R.1.


1: 122 [Mary (Kilbourne), d. George and Elesebeth, May 3, [1649?]. different ink.]

2. Ernest H. Helliwell III, "Was Mary, Wife of Nathaniel Barker, a Daughter of George Kilbourne of Rowley, Massachusetts?" New England Historical and Genealogical Register (2007): 22–26.

3. Thomas Gage, The History of Rowley, Anciently including Bradford, Boxford, and Georgetown, From the year 1639 to the Present Time (Boston: F. Andrews, 1840).

4. George B. Blodgette, Early Records of Rowley, Mass: First Records of the First Church (Salem: Salem Press, 1898).

5. "Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638–1881," database with images,, case 1667 (Jacob), 1696 (Nathan), 1700 (Nathaniel).

6. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols., digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

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