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LYDIA UNKNOWN (say 1616/7–prob. by 1650)

Lieutenant Francis Peabody was born about 1612/4. He died on 19 February 1697/8 in Topsfield. [1] He married first Lydia Unknown by 1640. Lydia was born, say 1616/7, based on the baptism of her first child. She probably died by about 1650. Francis married second Mary Foster, the widow of Daniel Wood. [2] Mary, the widow of Lieutenant Francis Peabody, died on 9 April 1705 in Topsfield. [1]

Francis's origins are unknown. [2] On 2 April 1635, Francis Peabody, husbandman, enrolled in London as a passenger on the Planter. [2]

Francis was admitted to the Hampton church before 18 May 1642, when he was made a freeman. [2]

Francis Peabody deposed that he was about 50 years old on 24 (4) 1662. [3, 2:405–6]

Francis served on the jury of trials at the 26 (7) 1648 court at Hampton, the 30 September 1656 court at Ipswich, the 29 (7) 1657 court at Ipswich and the 24 September 1672 court at Ipswich. [3, 1:149; 2:1,51; 5:79] He served on the grand jury at the 24 (2) 1648 court at Salisbury, the 2 (8) 1649 court at Hampton, the 27 (7) 1664 court at Ipswich and the 28 September 1669 court at Ipswich. [3, 1: 164, 176; 3: 182; 4:175] He was one of three people appointed by Hampton to end small causes on 13 (9) 1649. [3, 1:178] Francis was one of four people who laid out a road between Salem and Topsfield and presented the result at the 29 June 1658 court at Salem. [3, 2:51] Robert Andrews and Francis Peabody of Topsfield appraised the estate of Andrew Creeke on 17 September 1658. [3,2:115] Francis was one of two people chosen to lay out the common on the south side of the Ipswich River in 1661 and 1664. [3, 7:161] Francis was approved by the general court as lieutenant of the military company in Topsfield on 27 May 1668. [2] Francis was one of those who made the tax rates for Topsfield on 18 November 1668. [3, 4:106] He was a selectman in Topsfield in 1668. [3, 4:150] Frances was town clerk of Topsfield on 21 June 1679. [3, 7:237] Frances was a selectman and town clerk in Topsfield for many years. [2]

Eunice Cole—for breach of bond for good behavior at the 4 (9) 1645 court at Ipswich—was ordered to sit for half an hour next lecture day at Hampton, pay the witness Isaac Perkins seven shillings and to make public acknowledgment of her slanderous speeches of Susan Perkins and Lydia Peabody. [3, 1:88]

John How was presented for slander at the court in Ipswich on 27 (7) 1664. Samuel Perley testified that when he was with him John How took out a piece of paper and read verses about Goodwives Peabody, Clark and Andrus. These women "do together flock and so the spend their husband's stock and master woodcock shall be preacher to these women, he need not study above an hour or two in one week. [3, 3:197]

Francis made his will on 20 January 1695/6. He mentioned his sons John, Joseph and William Peabody; his son-in-law [stepson] Daniel Wood, his son Isaac Peabody, his deceased son Jacob Peabody and his son Nathaniel Peabody. He also mentioned his grandson Sampson How, his wife Mary and his daughters Lydia Perley, Mary Death, Sarah How and Hephzibah Ray. His will was proved on 7 August 1698. A substantial land owner, inventory on Francis's estate amounted to about 1327 pounds, 1030 in real estate. [2]

Children of Francis Peabody and Lydia Unknown:

i. Lydia Peabody was baptized on 30 August 1640 in Hampton, New Hampshire. She died on 30 April 1715 in Boxford. She married first Thomas Howlett. She married second Thomas Perley.

ii. John Peabody was born about 1642. [3, 5:422, deposed he was 32 in 1674] He married Hannah Andrews on 23 November 1665 in Topsfield or Boxford. [4][6]

iii. Joseph Peabody was born about 1645. [3, 6:37, deposed he was about 30 in 1675] He married Bethiah Bridges on 26 October 1668 in Topsfield. [2]

iv. William Peabody was born say 1647. He married Hannah Hale in 1684. [2]

Children of Frances Peabody and Mary Foster (probably, there is some uncertainty about which children belong to which wife):

v. Mary Peabody was born say 1650. [2] She married John Death. [2]

vi. Isaac Peabody was born say 1652. [2] He married Sarah Unknown. [2]

vii. Sarah Peabody was born say 1654. [2] She married Abraham How on 26 March 1678 in Ipswich. [2]

viii. Hephzibah Peabody was born say 1656. [2] She married Daniel, the son of Joshua Ray, on 10 April 1678 in Salem. [2]

ix. Ruth Peabody was born on 22 May 1658 in Topsfield. [3, 2:122][5] She probably died before 20 January 1695/6, when she was not mentioned in her father's will. [2]

x. Damaris Peabody was born on 21 June 1660 in Topsfield. [5] She died on 19 December 1660 in Topsfield. [1]

xi. Samuel Peabody was born on 4 June 1662 in Topsfield. [5] He died on 13 September 1677 in Topsfield. [2]

xii. Deacon Jacob Peabody was born on 28 July 1664 in Topsfield. [5] Jacob Peabody, Sr. died on 24 November 1689 in Topsfield. [1] He married Abigail Town on 12 January 1686/[?7] in Topsfield. [2] Abigail, the wife of Deacon Jacob died on 12 May 1736 in Topsfield. [2]

xiii. Hannah Peabody was born on 8 May 1668 in Topsfield. [5] She probably died before 20 January 1695/6, when she was not mentioned in her father's will. [2]

xiv. Nathaniel Peabody was born on 29 July 1669 in Topsfield. [3, 4:173, son Francis and Mary][5]


1.Vital Records Topsfield, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1903), 236–8.

2. "Great Migration 1634–1635, M–P," digitized book,, 400–10, originally published as:  Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634–1635, Volume V, M–P (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007).

3. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols., digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

4. Vital Records of Topsfield, 168–71.

5. Ibid., 72.

6.Vital Records of Boxford, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1905), 179.

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last revised 20-Nov-2023