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JOSIAH WHITCOMB (1638–1718), son of of John Whitcomb and Frances Cogan

REBECCA WATERS (say 1645–aft. 1718), daughter of Lawrence Waters and Anne Linton

Josiah Whitcomb was born in 1638 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. [1][2][3] He died on 21 March 1718, age 80, in Lancaster. [2][4] He married Rebecca Waters on 4 January 1664/5 in Lancaster. [1][2][4]

Josiah's gravestone in the Old Common Burial Ground in Lancaster says: [4]


Rebecca, the daughter of Lawrence Waters and Anne Linton, was born say 1645 in Watertown. [4][5]

Josiah went from Scituate to Lancaster with his father in 1654. [3]

In 1688 Josiah was paid 20 shillings for killing a wolf in Lancaster. [6] On 20 Apr 1704 he commanded a garrison in Lancaster; also included in the garrison were his sons Josiah, David and Hezekiah. [6] In 1705 Josiah was a selectman. [3] He signed the church covenant in 1708. [3] In 1710 he was a representative from Lancaster. [3]

Josiah lived in southeast Lancaster in what is now Bolton. [6]

Josiah signed a 7 October 1679 petition requesting that former inhabitants of Lancaster be allowed to resettle there. [6]

Josiah was commander of a garrison in Lancaster on 15 April 1704, during Queen Anne's War. Among others, [his sons] Josiah, David and Hezekiah Whitcomb, were in the garrison. [6]

He was a selectman in Lancaster in 1705. He was a representative to the general court in 1710. [1]

Josiah Whitcomb, yeoman of Lancaster, made his will on 20 March 1718; his witnesses swore to it on [6?] April 1718. His heirs were his wife Rebecca, his eldest son Josiah Whitcomb, his second son David Whitcomb, his youngest son Hezekiah Whitcomb, his daughter Rebecca Houghton, his daughter Joanna Joslin, his daughter Mary Farnsworth and both the children she had with Simon Willard and the children she had with Samuel Farnsworth, his daughter Damaris Wilder, and his daughter Abigail White. [7]

Children of Josiah Whitcomb and Rebecca Waters: Births recorded in Lancaster [M4]

i. Josiah Whitcomb was born and died on 12 November 1665.

ii. Josiah Whitcomb was born on 7 January 1666/7. He died on 12 April 1718 in Lancaster. [4] He married first Mary Unknown about 1690. [3] He married second Elizabeth Unknown. [3] She died on 11 May 1755, aged 80 years and seven months, and is buried in the Old Burying Field in Lancaster. [4] Elizabeth Whitcomb married second Josiah Fairbanks, Sr. on 25 March 1719 in Lancaster. [3][4]

Bond was posted on the estate of Josiah Whitcomb, Jr. of Lancaster, who died intestate, on 13 May 1718. An estate paper, died 14 March 1721/2 refers to his widow as now the wife of Jabez Fairbank. [7]

iii. David Whitcomb was born on 20 February 1668[/9?]. He died on 11 April 1730. [4] He married the widow Mary (Hayward) Fairbanks on 31 May 1700 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. [3][4] She died on 5 January 1733/4 at age 67. [4] Mary married first Jonathan Fairbanks. He was killed in the 11 September 1697 Indian attack on Lancaster, along with two of his children. [3]

David and Mary's tombstones in the Old Common Burial Ground Lancaster say [4]

Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mr DAVID WHETCOMB Who Died April 11th 1730 in ye 62d Year of His Age.

Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Mary Whetcomb Wife to Mr. David Whetcomb, Who Died Janury 5th, 1733-4 in ye 67th Year of Her Age.

Mary was taken captive by the Indians in the attack that killed her first husband and two children. She was returned on 17 January 1699. In captivity, she acquired a knowledge of herbs and was afterwards called "Doctress" and dispensed medicine. [3]

David and Mary kept a tavern in Bolton, Worcester County, Massachusetts. [3]

iv. Rebecca Whitcomb was born on 12 November 1671. She is is buried in the Old Common Burial Ground in Lancaster, where her tombstone says that she died on 22 October 1752, age 80 years, 10 months and 29 days. [4] She married Jacob Houghton on 16 December 1704 in Lancaster. [4]

v. Joanna Whitcomb was born on 8 March 1673/4. She died on 24 September 1717 in Lancaster, age 44. [4] She married as his second wife Peter Joslin on 26 December 1708. [3] Peter, the son of Nathaniel and Mary Joslin, was born on 22 February 1665/6 in Lancaster. [4] Peter married first Sarah Howe. She died on 18 July 1692. Peter married third Hannah, who is said to be Hannah (Farwell) Woods. [8]

Three of Peter and Sarah (Howe) Joslin's young children were killed in the 18 July 1692 Indian attack on Lancaster. Peter and Sarah's six-year-old son Peter was captured and killed in captivity. [4, 16]

vi. Mary Whitcomb was born say 1677 ("between 1675 and 1682"). She married Simon Willard in 1700. [4] The widow Mary (Whitcomb) Willard married Samuel Farnsworth on 12 December 1706 in Lancaster. [4]

vii. Damaris Whitcomb was born say 1679 ("between 1675 and 1682"). She married Nathaniel Wilder in 1707(?). [3][4] Nathaniel, the son of Nathaniel and Mary (Sawyer) Wilder, was born in 1675 in Lancaster. [4]

Damaris, the wife of Nathaniel Wilder, was recommended to the communion of the Church of Christ in Nichewaug on 5 August 1739. [4]

viii. Hezekiah Whitcomb was born on 14 September 1681. He died on 6 May 1732. He married Hannah Green.

ix. Deborah Whitcomb was born on 26 December 1683. She probably died young as she was not mentioned in her father's will. [7]

x. Abigail Whitcomb was born on 13 March 1687/8. She married Josiah White on 26 June 1706 in Lancaster. [4]


1. "Massachusetts: Legislators of the General Court, 1691–1780," database,, entry for Josiah Whitcomb.

2. Records of Littleton, Massachusetts: Births and Deaths (Littleton: Littleton, 1900).

500 Whitcomb: Josiah2 [child of John and Frances Whitcomb] m. 4-11-1664 Rebecca, dau. Lawrence and Hannah Waters or sister of Lawrence Waters. Josiah 2 d. Apr 12, 1718 at Lancaster. His will was probated 22 Apr.

3. Charlotte Whitcomb,  The Whitcomb Family in America (Minneapolis: C. Whitcomb?, c1904), 396–8.

4. Henry S. Nourse, Birth, Marriage and Death Register, Church Records and Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1850 (Clinton, MA, W. J. Coulter, Printer, 1890).

11 Josiah Whetcombe & Rebeccah Waters were maryed ye 4th. 11mo. 1664.
11 Josiah sonne of Josiah Whetcombe, & Rebeccah his wife was borne 12. 1665.
11 Josiah sonne of Josiah Whetcombe, & Rebeccah his wife was borne 7.11.1666.
11 Peter sonne of Nathaniel Joslin, & Mary his wife was borne 22. 12 . 1665.
12 Josiah sonne of Josiah Whetcombe, & Rebeccah his wife, died. 12 .9. 65.
12 David sonne of Josiah & Rebeccah Whetcombe borne, febr. 20, 1668.
13 Rebecca of Josiah & Rebecca Whetcomb, 12 . 9 . 71
14 Johannah of Josiah & Rebecca Whetcomb, 8. 1. 73-4
15 Deborah, Daughter of Josiah & Rebeccah Whitcomb, borne, Decemb: 26, 83
17 Jabez ffairbank (sic) Sr: & Elisabeth Whetcomb were married March ye 25th, 1719
49 Abigail Whetcomb ye daughter of Josiah & Rebekkah Whetcomb was born March ye. 13: 1687-8.
125 Jacob Houghton & Rebecca Whitcomb were Married Dec 16 1704.
126 Mr Josiah Whetcomb Deceased April ye. 12, 1718.
149 Josiah White & Abigail Whetcomb were married June the 26, 1706.
157 Mrs. Mary Whetcomb (ye widow of Mr David Whetcomb;) Deceased January ye: 15th: 1733-4.
285 August, 5th. 1739. Damaris Wilder Wife of Nathaniel Wilder [Recommended to the Communion of the Chh of Christ in Nichewaug].
404 In Membory of Lieut. JABAZ FAIRBANK, who died in March 1758. Aged about 84 YEARS. Mrs MARY, his firs Wife died in March 1718 Aged 42 years Mrs ELIZABETH his Second Wife, died May ye 11th, 1755. Aged 80 Years, 7 Months.
407 In Memory of Mrs. Joanna Joslin ye wife of Capt. Peter Joslin who Died Sep. ye 24th. 1717 in ye 44th year of her Age.
410 Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mr DAVID WHETCOMB Who Died April 11th 1730 in ye 62d Year of His Age
410 Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Mary Whetcomb Wife to Mr. David Whetcomb, Who Died Janury 5th, 1733-4 in ye 67th Year of Her Age.
412 Here Lies Buried The Body of Mrs Rebekah Houghton Wife of Mr. Jacob Houghton Died October ye 22 A-D 1752 Age 80 yes 10.M & 29Ds,
156 Mr Josiah Whetcomb jr Deceased March ye. 21, 1718-9.
451 David Whitcomb and Widow Mary Fairbank, May 31, 1700.
451 Simon Willard and Mary Whitcomb,____1700.
451 Samuel Farnsworth and Widow Mary (Whitcomb) Willard, December 12, 1706.
452 Mary and Damaris, daughters of Josiah and Rebecca Whitcomb, born between 1675 and 1682.
452 Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Sawyer) Wilder, ____1675.
452 Nathaniel Wilder and Damaris Whitcomb, ____1707.?

5. "Great Migration 1634–1635, T–Y," digitized book,,  originally published as:  Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634–1635, Volume VII, T–Y (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011), 250–7.

6. Henry S. Nourse, The Earliest Records of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1725 (Lancaster: J. Coulter, 1884),

7. "Middlesex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1648–1871," database with images,, case 2440 (Josiah, Sr.), 2441 (Josiah, Jr.).

8. Alfred L. Holman, Blackman and Allied Families (Chicago: privately printed for N. L. Blackman, 1928), 103.

Last revised: 19-Dec-2023