Jones Family of Maryland

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Thomas Odell wrote his will on 29 April 1717; it was proved on 11 April 1721. Thomas left his wife Sarah Odell the 500-acre plantation on which he lived. He left his youngest son Reynold (Reginald) the plantation after his wife's death. He left his son Thomas Odell 250 acres of land that he bought from John Brewer and Joseph Brown. He left his son Henry Odell the rest of his land and a ten-pound legacy given to him by his grandfather. He left his daughter Ann Odell 150 pounds, a ten-pound legacy given to her by his grandfather, furniture and a "Negro girl" called Grace. He left his youngest daughter Sarah Odell 160 pounds. He left his wife a legacy that she got from her father. He also left Sarah the use of his "servants" so long as she remained unmarried. Afterwards they were to be divided among his three sons. The daughters were to have their share when they reached 16 or when they married, whichever was first. His sons Henry and Reynold were to live with their mother Sarah until they were 21. If his wife were to die before his children came of age then he appointed his son Thomas Odell and his son-in-law Ninian Magruder to be his executors and to ensure that his willl was complied with and to bring up his children. [w][c]

Thomas grew tobacco on his land; he refers to tobacco houses in his will. [w]

A likely interpretation is that Sarah was not Thomas's first wife. Sarah's father left a legacy to Sarah and her children Henry and Ann. Reynold and Sarah are also children of Sarah, born after Sarah's father made his will. It is unclear if Thomas and the daughter who married Ninian Magruder were children of Sarah.

Children of Thomas Odell:

i. Daughter Odell married Ninian Magruder.

ii. Thomas Odell was born before 1696.

iii. Henry Odell was born after 1696. He died between 19 May and 10 July 1738. He married Ann Unknown.

Henry made his will on 19 May 1738 and probate occurred on 10 July 1738. After debts to his brothers Thomas and Reynold were paid off, his estate was left to his children Thomas, Reynold, Elizabeth, and Eleanor, and his wife Ann. [c]

iv. Ann Odell was born after 1701. She married Joseph Newton.

v. Reynold (Rignall?) Odell was probably born after 1698.

vi. Sarah Odell was probably born after 1703.


w. Maryland Wills and Probate Records

c. Calendar of Maryland Wills

Last revised: 19-Jan-2022