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JOSEPH NEWTON CHISWELL (1747–1837), son of Stephen Newton Chiswell and Sarah Newton

ELEANOR WHITE (1760–1831), dauther of Benjamin White and Elizabeth Smith

Joseph Newton Chiswell, the son of Joseph Newton Chiswell,was born on 2 April 1747. [Ref] He died on 9 April 1837, age 90 years. [Ref] He married Eleanor White on 11 November 1779. [Ref]

Eleanor White, the daughter of Benjamin White and Elizabeth Smith, was born on 29 April 1750 and died on 23 March 1831, age 81 years. [Ref]

Joseph's father left him his land "known by the name of Chiswell's Lodge lying on Dry Seneca" as well as "six silver tablespoons, sea chest, and all my books" in his will of 18 June 1804.

Joseph Newton Chiswell wrote his wll on 19 July 1832; it was proved on 18 April 1837. He mentiontion his sons William and John A. Chiswell and his daughters Hester White Chiswell, Rachel White, the wife of Benjamin White of Nathan, Eleanor White Fletchall, Margaret Young, the wife of Henry Young, Elizabeth Smith McElfresh, Mary Robertson Brewer, Sarah Newton Fletchall, and Ann Newton Jones. [Ref]

"Stephen Newton Chiswell had seven daughters and only one son Joseph, a man of intellect and refinement; the most influential man in the neighborhood or district. He married Eleanor White." From writings by a daughter of Ann Mildred Jones. The author goes onto to provide the names and spouses of Joseph's children, except Stephen. She saya, "Nancy, the one who married Joseph James Wilkerson Jones was the mother of my mother Ann Mildred, who married Franklin Cummings.

Photo of Chiswell's Inheritance, built by Joseph about 1796

See an article on the Chiswell family:

"Reunion Celebrates Family Legacy of Brick and History," online article, 6 June 1996, Washington Post.

Children of Joseph Newton Chiswell and Eleanor White:

i. Elizabeth "Betsey" Smith Chiswell was born on 28 October 1780. [Ref] She died on 7 March 1808 and is buried in the Linthicum-McElfresh Cemetery in Frederick County, Maryland. She married Charles McElfresh after 5 February 1800 (license date). [Ref]

Elizabeth is buried in the Linthicum-McElfresh Cemetery; the Find A Grave website has a photrgaph of her gravestone with her death date. [Ref]

ii. Mary "Polly" Robertson Chiswell was born on 13 December 1781. [Ref] She died on 7 February 1867. She married Doctor William G. Brewer after 5 February 1800 (license date). [Ref] William was born on 24 July 1777 and died on 14 October 1861.

William and Mary are buried in the Monocacy Cemetery in Beallsville in Montgomery County. Their gravestones have their birth and death years; Mary's calls her the wife of Doctor William Brewer. [Ref]

iii. Sarah "Sally" Newton Chiswell was born on 8 March 1783. [Ref] She died on 7 February 1862. [Ref] She married Captain Thomas Fletchell after 13 March 1801 (license). [Ref] She died between 28 September and 4 November 1860.

Sarah wrote her will on 16 Novembert 1846. She mentioned her niece and adopted daughter Rachel Ann Chiswell; her nephews William A. Chiswell, Joseph C. Young, and John T. Fletchall; her nieces Sarah Matthews, Hester W.C. Purdum, Sarah N. Chiswell, Elealnor Linthicum, Elizabeth F. White, and Eleanor Gott; the three daughters of her deceased brother John A. Chiswell; her sisters Mary R. Brewer, Ann N. Jones, Rachel White, Eleanor W. Fletchall; her sister in law Sarah Chiswell. A codicil dates 27 January 1858 mentions Sarah Eleanor Chiswell, the daughter of William A. and Rachel Chiswell. A codicil of 28 September 1860 mentions her nephew Joseph C. Young, deceased, and the three living daughters of Hester W. C. Purdum. Her will was proved on 4 November 1862. [Ref]

iv. William Augustus Chiswell was born on 26 January 1785. [Ref] He died on 8 October 1846. He married Sarah Newton Fletchal after 14 November 1809 (license). [Ref] Sarah was born on 14 September 1787 and died on 20 March 1863.

William and Sarah are buried in the Monocacy Cemetery in Beallsville in Montgomery County. The dates on their gravestones are a bit difficult to make out. [Ref]

v. Ann "Nancy" Newton Chiswell was born on 17 November 1786. She died on 5 January 1857. She married Lieutenant Joseph James Wilkerson Jones.

vi. Stephen Newton Jones was born on 28 November 1788. [Ref] He died on 22 July 1794. [Ref]

vii. Hester White Chiswell was born on 7 April 1790. [Ref] She was never married. [Ref]

viii. John Augustus Chiswell was born on 2 December 1792. [Ref] He died on 31 August 1840. [Ref] He married Eleanor Griffith after 21 May 1823 (license). [Ref]

John's grandfather left him "three Negro boys by names Lee, Hand and Townsend ... when he, the said John arrives to the age of twenty-five years" in his will of 18 June 1804.

ix. Rachel "Happy" Chiswell was born on 10 October 1794. [Ref] She died on 3 [Ref] or 7 March 1862. She married Benjamin White after 4 December 1815 (license). [Ref]Benjamin was born on 15 October 1786 and died on 15 April 1862.Benjamin and Rachel are buried in the Monocacy Cemetery in Beallsville in Montgomery County. The dates on their gravestones are difficult to make out. [Ref]

x. Eleanor White Chiswell was born on 15 November 1795. [Ref] She married George Walter Fletchall after 12 December 1814 (license). [Ref]

xi. Margaret Chiswell was born on 14 November 1798. She died on 31 January 1857. She married Henry Claude Young after 28 January 1823 (license). [Ref] Henry was born on 4 December 1791 and died on 31 January 1857.

Henry and Margaret are buried in the Kilmain-Young Family Cemetery in Poolesville. The birth and death dates on Margaret's gravestone are easy to make out; the dates on Henry's are not. [Ref]

William and Mary (Chiswell) Brewer

William Augustus Chiswell

Benjamin and Rachel (Chiswell) White

Eleanor White Chiswell


Phote of Chiswell's Inheritance JERRYE & ROY KLOTZ, M.D., CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Last revised: 24-Nov-2021