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RICHARD GOARD (c. 1618–1683)

PHEBE HEWES (d. 1679)

Phebe Hewes's English Ancestry [4]

Robert Foote of Royston, Hertfordshire

Robert Foote, yeoman of Shalford, County Essex, made his will on 27 January 1608; it was proved on 15 February 1608. He mentioned his daughter Mary Hewes.

Robert married Joan Brooke.

John Hewes, chandler of Royston made his will on 20 June 19 James [1621]. It was proved on 21 August 1621. He named his wife Mary his executrix and his brother Thomas Hewes and brother-in-law Joseph Foote his overseers. He left his son Jonathan 40 pounds, his son Joshua 30 pounds, and his daughters Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Hester, Lydia, Phebe, and Anne each 20 pounds.

John married Mary Foote on 14 February 1602 in Shalford.

Richard Goard was born about 1618. Richard—called "Blind Father" —was buried on 29 September 1683 in Roxbury. [1] He married Phebe Hewes on 30 November 1639 in Roxbury. [1]

Phebe, the wife of Richard, died of small pox and was buried on 28 February 1678/9 in Roxbury. [1]

Phebe was the sister of Lieutenant Joshua Hewes of Roxbury and Elizabeth, the wife of Ralph Hemenway of Roxbury. [2][3] Assuming they had the same mother, Joshua Foote, who died in 1655 in Providence was a maternal uncle. [3][4]

Phebe's mother Mary was both a paternal and maternal cousin of Sir Thomas Foote—a grocer who became Lord Mayor of London in 1649. [4]

Richard came to New England, age 17, on the Elizabeth & Ann in 1635. [2] He settled in Roxbury and was admitted to the church in 1643. [2] He was a freeman on 29 May 1644. [2]

Phebe probably came to New England with her brother Joshua in 1633.

Richard wrote his will on 18 September 1683/ it was proved on 31 October 1683. He left his estate to his son Joseph on the condition he pay his sisters Phebe, the wife of Thomas Andrews, and Lydia, the wife of Joseph Twitchell, ten shillings each. Inventory on his estate was taken on 25 October 1683 and amounted to 132 pounds. [2]

Children of Richard Goard and Phebe Hewes:

i. Hannah (Anna) Goard (twin) was born on 1 July ___ in Roxbury. [1] She was baptized in June 1643 in Roxbury. [1]

ii. John Goard (twin) was born on 1 July ___ in Roxbury. [1] He was baptized in June 1643 in Roxbury. [1] He died of small pox on 18 February 1678/9 in Roxbury. [2]

iii. Mary Goard was born on 23 June 1644 in Roxbury. [1] There is no further record of her. [2]

iv. Phebe Goard was born on 12 March 1645/6 in Roxbury. [1] She married Thomas Andrews, Jr. on 31 December 1667 in Dorchester. [2]

v. Joseph Goard was born on 21 September 1647 in Roxbury. [1] He was baptized there on 19 September ___. [1] He suffered convulsions, died and was buried on 18 February 1678/9 in Roxbury. [1]

vi. Sarah Goard was baptized on 25 March 1649 in Roxbury. [1] There is no further record of her. [2]

vii. Joseph Goard was born on 8 April 1651 in Roxbury. [1] He died on 12 August 1691 in Roxbury. [1] He married Ann Chaplin on 23 March 1680/1 in Roxbury. [1]

viii. Lydia Goard was born on 20 February 1652/3 in Roxbury. She was baptized on 27 February 1652/3 in Roxbury. She died on 27 April 1725 in Sherborn. She married Joseph Twitchell.

ix. Benjamin Goard was born on 27 November 1654 in Roxbury. [1] He died there on 31 October 1654. [1]

x. Benjamin Goard was baptized on 7 September 1656 in Roxbury. [1] He was excommunicated from the Roxbury church on 15 March 1673/4 and executed for bestiality on 2 April 1674. [2]


1. Vital Records of Roxbury, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1925).

1: 146 Joseph, s. Richard, Sept. 21, 1647. [bp. 19: 7m: C.R.1]
1: 146 Benjamin, s. Richard, Nov. 27, 1654
1: 147 Benjamin, s. Richard, bp. 7: 7m: 1656 C.R.1.
1: 147 Hanna [Goad. CT. R.; Anna. C.R.1.], d. [twin CT. R.], Rich[ard], bp. June __, 1643. [b. 1: 5m: CT.R.]
1: 147 John [Goad. CT. R.], s. [twin CT. R.], Rich[ard], bp. June __, 1634.[!] [b. 1: 5m: CT.R.]
1: 147 Joseph, s. Richard, Apr. 8, 1651
1: 147 Lidea, d. Richard, Feb. 20, 1652. [1652-3, C.R.1.]
1: 147 Mary [Goade. CT.R.], d. Richard, June 23, 1644.
1: 147 Phebe, d. Richard, Mar. 12, 1646. [1645-6, C.R.1.]
1: 147 Sarah, d. Richard, bp. Mar. 25, 1649.
2: 169 Richard and Phebe Hewes, Nov. 30, 1639
2: 174 Joseph [Gorde. dup.], and Ann Chaplin, Mar. 23, 1680-81.
2: 533 Benjamine, s. Richard, 31: 8m: 1654. CT.R.
2: 533 Joseph, s. Richard [convulsions. C.R.1.], bur. May 30, 1648
2: 533 Phebe, w. Richard, small pox, bur. 28: 12: 1678-9. C.R.1.
2: 533 ___, "Blind Father," bur. 29: 7m: 1683. C.R.1.
2: 535 Joseph, Aug. 12, 1691
2: 535 Richard, Sept. 29, 1683

2. "Great Migration, 1634–1635, G–H," digitized book, originally published as Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration to New England, 1634–1635, Volume III, G–H (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2003), 78–81.

3. "The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620–1633, Volumes I-III," digitized book,, originally published as: Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, 3 volumes (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995), 921–4.

4. Eben Putnam, Lieutenant Joshua Hewes and Some of His Descendants (n.p.: privately printed, 1913).

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