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REBECCA UNKNOWN (c. 1630–1692)

William was born about 1619. He died on 31 May 1706, age about 86, in Billerica. [1] He married Rebecca ___.

Rebecca was probably born about 1630 if she had children in 1649 and 1671. Rebecca, the wife of William, Sr., died on 26 September 1692, in prison in Cambridge. [1] She was probably jailed on the charge of witchcraft. [1]

On 2 February 1686/7 Sarah Shelley, spinster (which could have meant widow) of Boston, made her will. She referred to her brother William Chamberlain and her sister, his wife. She referred to her "cousins" (i.e, nieces as nephews), who were the children of William and Rebecca or Isaac and Anne (Leverett) Addington. Anne Leverett apparently did not have a sister Rebecca. Hence, Rebecca could have been Rebecca Shelley (if Sarah never married) or Rebecca Addington (if Sarah was born Sarah Addington and married ___ Shelley). George W. Chamberlain believed she was Rebecca Addington and Dennis D. Chamberlain argues that this is the most likely case. [2][3]

William was probably in Boston by 30 October 1647 when he acquired property from Francis Smith by a deed of that date. [3] On 6 January 1648/9 he was admitted an inhabitant of Woburn and his first two children were born there. [3]

One thousand and five hundred acres lying north of Concord in present-day Billerica was conveyed to Deputy Governor Thomas Dudley, and on 28 February 1651/2 he sold this land to Thomas Chamberlain, James Parker, and Isaac Learned of Woburn for 110 pounds. These three men became citizens of adjoining Chelmsford. [4] Thomas was probably William's brother. [4]

William was the constable in Billerica in 1673. [3]

It is possible that Rebecca was not the mother of William's first four children, but there is no record that he had a prior wife.

Children of William and Rebecca Chamberlain:

i. Timothy Chamberlain was born on 13 August 1649 in Woburn. [5] He probably died young as no further record is found of him. [3]

ii. Isaac Chamberlain was born on 1 October 1650 in Woburn. [5] He died on 20 July 1681, age 30, in Billerica. [1]

iii. William Chamberlain was born about 1652. [3] He died on 20 January 1734 in Lexington. [3] He married Deliverance Ferguson on 20 December 1698 in Watertown. [3]

iv. John Chamberlain (probable son) was born about 1654. [3] He died on 1 April 1712 in Billerica. [1] He married Deborah Jaco [?] on 6 December 1681 in Billerica. [1] She died on 24 February 1703/4 in Billerica. [1]

John Chamberlain of Billerica made his will on 27 February 1711/2, naming his sons John and Abraham and three daughters; probate was on 28 April 1712. Inventory of his personal estate was taken on 24 April 1712. It was exhibited by his executor, John Chamberlain, on 28 April 1712. [6] Confusingly John refers to Abraham's mother as if she were alive.

v. Sarah Chamberlain was born on 30 May 1655 in Billerica. [1] She died on 17 January 1735/6 in Billerica. [1] She married Ensign John Shed on 9 January 1767/7 in Billerica. [1] He died on 31 January 1736/7 in Billerica, age about 84. [1]

vi. Jacob Chamberlain was born on 18 January 1657 or 1657/8 in Billerica. [1] He died on 11 April 1712 in Newton. [3][7] He married Experience ___. [3] She married died on 24 May 1749. [3] She married second Jonathan Dykes. [3]

Jacob's two birth records say that he was born on 18 January 1657 or 1657/8.

vii. Thomas Chamberlain was born on 20 February 1658 or (probably) 1659 in Woburn. [5] He died on 2 November 1724 in Newton. [3] He married Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Stedman) Hammond of Newton. [3] She was born on 3 November 1664 and died on 1 February 1733 in Newton. [3]

Thomas's three birth records say that he was born on 20 February in 1658, 1659 or 1659/60. The last is inconsistent with Edmund's birth.

viii. Edmond Chamberlain was born on 15 July 1660 in Billerica. [1] He married first the widow Mercy Abbott on 26 August 1690 in Billerica. [1] She died on 27 February 1697/8. [4] She was the widow of John Abbott of Woburn. [4] He married second Abigail ___. [3] He may be the Edmond who married [third] Sarah Forbush of Reading on 17 January 1717. [4][3]

Edmond must have committed some youthful indiscretion. On 8 January 1682/3 the selectman ordered Edmond to live with his master Joseph Walker for six months in the manner of a journeyman and to "attend family orders and goverment therein acording to law. Also, not to make any bargain with any man without his master's approbation." After six months he was to tell the selectman where he intended to live and "what courses of life he intends to lead." His master was to have a "specciall inspection" of his servant in the meantime and inform the selectmen if he could not keep him under control. [4, 195–6]

ix. Rebecca Chamberlain was born on 25 February 1662 in Billerica. She married first Thomas Stearns. She married second George Farley.

x. Abraham Chamberlain was born on 6 January 1664/5 in Billerica. [1] He died after 28 June 1728. [3] He married first Elizabeth ___ on 9 March 1691/2 in Newton. [3] He married second Mary Randall of Watertown on 24 February 1697/8 in Watertown. [3]

Mary Chamberlain of Billerica, widow of Abraham Chamberlain, who died intestate, posted bond on his estate on 31 December 1739. Inventory was takein on 25 December 1739. It was untotalled, but included real estate worth 327 pounds. [6]

xi. Ann Chamberlain was born on 3 March 1665/6 in Billerica. [1]

The town of Billerica compensated Clement for "keeping" her and Dr. How for "doctering" her on 12 December 1726. This suggests she became a town charge in her old age. [3]

xii. Clement Chamberlain was born on 30 May 1669 in Billerica. [1] He married Mary ___. [4] She married second as his third wife Dr. Roger Toothaker. [3]

xiii. Daniel Chamberlain was born on 27 September 1671 in Billerica. [1] He married Mary ___. [4]


1. Vital records of Billerica, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 (Boston: New England Historical Genealogical Society, 1908).


Births, 36–38

Abraham [dup. Chamberlaine], s. William and Rebeckah [dup. Rebecca], Jan. 6, 1664-5. [Chamberlin, M.R.]
Ann [dup. Chamberlin], d. William and Rebeckah [dup. Rebecca], Mar. 3, 1665-6. [Chamberline, d. William and Rebeccah, M.R.]
Clement [dup. Clemente Chamberlin], s. William and Rebeckah [dup. Rebecca], May 30, 1669. [Clemens Chamberline, s. W[illia]m and Rebecha, M.R.]
Daniel [dup. Chamberlaine], s. William and Rebeckah [dup. Rebecca], Sept. 27, 1671.
Edmond [dup. Chamberlaine, second dup. Edmand Chambrlin], s. William and Rebeckah [dup. Rebecca, second dup. Rebeca], July 15,1660 [sic, see Thomas]. [Edm[und] Chamberline, s. W[illia]m and Rebeccah, M.R.]
Chamberlin, Jacob [dup. Chamberlain, second dup. Chamberlaine], s. Willim and Rebeca [dup. s. William and Rebeckah, second dup. s. Will[ia]m and Rebecca], Jan. 18, 1657 [dup. 1657-8]. [Chamberlin, s. Will[ia]m, M.R.]
Rebeckah [dup. Rebecca Chamberlaine], d. William and Rebeckah [dup. William (Chambrline) and Rebecca], Feb. 25, 1662-3. [Rebeccah Chamberline, M.R.]
Chamberlin, Sara [dup. Sarah Chamberlaine, second dup. Sarah Chamberlain], d. Will[iam] (Channbrlin) and Rebecka [dup. Rebecca, second dup. Rebeckah], May 20, 1655. [Sarah Chamberlin, d. Will[ia]m and Rebecca, Jan. 18, M.R.]

Marriages, 233

Abraham and Mary Shed, July 23, 1708, in Woburn
Edmond [dup. Chamberlaine] and Mercy Abbott, wid., of Woburn, Aug. 26, 1690 [dup. [16]94, sic].* Chamberlain, [Edmund Chamberlain, Aug. 26, 1691, M.R.]
John and Deborah Jaco [dup. Janco], Dec. 6, 1681.* [Chamberlaine, and Deborah Jaco, M.R.]
Sarah [dup. Chamberlaine] and John Shed, Jan. 9, 1676-7.

Deaths, 348–9

Deborah [dup. Chamberline], w. John, Feb. 24, 1703-4.
Isaac, s. William and Rebeckah [dup. Rebecka], July 20, 1681. [Chamberlaine, a. 30, M.R.]
John [dup. Chamberlin], Apr. 1, 1712.
Rebecca [dup. Rebeckah Chamberlain], w. Will[ia]m Sr., Sept. 26, [16]92, in the prison at Cambridge.
William Sr. [dup. Chamberlaine], May 31, 1706, a. abt. 86.


Deaths, 392

John, Ens., Jan. 31, 1736-7. [a. abt. 84, G.R.1.]
Sarah, w. John, Jan. 17, 1735-6.

2. Dennis D. Chamberlain, The Chamberlain Story: E8 Rebecca Chamberlain, the Puzzle of Sarah Shelley’s Will ( : accessed 17 October 2023).

3. George Walter Chamberlain, William Chamberlain of Billerica, Mass. and His Descendants (n.p.: n.p., 1985), online book, ( : accessed 17 October 2023).

4. Henry A. Hazen, History of Billerica (Boston: A. Williams and Co., 1883).

5. Edward Francis Johnson, Woburn Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Part 1 (births), Part 2, (deaths) Part 3 (marriages) (Woburn: Andrew Cutlery & Co., 1890).

Births, 1: 38–48

Chamberlain, Isaac, s. of William, Oct. 1, 1650.
Chamberlain, Thomas [dup. Chanbrlin, second dup. Chamberlaine], s. William and Rebeckah [dup. Rebecka, second dup. Rebecca], Feb. 20, 1659-60 [sic, see Edmond] [dup. and second dup. 1659]. [Chamberline, s. William and Rebeccah, Feb. 20, 1658, M.R.]
Chamberlain, Timothy, s. of William, Aug. 13, 1649.

Marriages, 3: 52–3

Edmond Chamberlain of Billerica and Mercy Abbott of Woburn, "widdow,"at Billerica, Aug. 26, 1690.

6. "Middlesex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1648–1871," database with images,, case 4132 (Abraham Chamberlain); case 4161 (John Chamberlain).

7. Vital Records of Newton, Massachusetts, To the Year 1850 (Boston: New England History Genealogical Society, 1905), 430: (see Chamberlin), Jacob, h. Experience, Apr. 11, 1712. G. R. 1.

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