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WILLIAM BALLARD (c. 1617/8–1689)


William Ballard was born about 1617 or 1618. He died on 10 July 1689 in Andover. [1]

Grace died on 27 April 1694 in Andover. [1]

Henderson argues that there is "reasonable likelihood" that Grace was the sister of John Lovejoy. [2] Holden believes she might be Grace, daughter of Thomas and Ann Barwick of Bristol, England. [3]

In a copy of a deposition exhibited at the September 1662 quarterly court at Ipswich, William said he was about 44. [4, 2: 438] He deposed that he was about 50 on 12 April 1671. [4, 4: 371]

He is probably the William who took the oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance on 26 March 1633 as a passenger for New England on the Mary and John, although he would have been rather young. [5][6]

William apparently settled first in Newbury, where he owned land in 1645. [6]

William was made a freeman at the March 1651 quarterly court at Ipswich. [4, 1: 218] He was on the grand jury at the September 1655 quarterly court at Ipswich. [4, 1: 396]

William signed the petition for John Osgood as sergeant at Andover that was presented to the November 1658 quarterly court at Salem. [4, 2: 123]

At the June 1662 quarterly court at Salem, William deposed that he was about 45. He said that about six weeks before Job Tyler's house had burned and he told Job's wife the she and her children could stay for a time at this house. He said they were still there. [4, 2: 412]

William died intestate and his three sons, Joseph, William, and John, agreed to divide his estate as equally as they could and to give their mother a room in William's house and care for her during her widowhood. Joseph and William each received the land their houses stood on an more than 75 acres additional land each. John, the youngest, got the house his father lived in and the land he lived on, except what William had given William Blunt when he married his daughter. The sons agreed to pay Henry Holt, Samuel Butterfield, Joseph Butterfield, John Spaulding, and Abigail Ballard ten pounds each, besides what they already had. [3][6] Farlow and Pope provide a transcription of the agreement and the inventory of William's estate. [6]

William was an early settler of Andover. [7, 2]

Note: Do not confuse this William with William Ballard of Lynn who had a wife Elizabeth.

Children of William and Grace Ballard:

i. Ensign Joseph Ballard was born about 1642. He died on 29 September 1722 in Andover. He married first Elizabeth Phelps. He married second the widow Rebecca Horne.

ii. Sarah Ballard was born say 1644. She died on 25 November 1733 in Andover. [1] She married Henry Holt on 24 February 1669 in Andover. [1][4, 4: 174] He died on 13 January 1718/9, age about 75, in Andover. [1]

iii. Elizabeth Ballard was born say 1646. She died on 11 July 1689 in Andover. [1] She married William Blunt on 11 November 1668 in Chelmsford. [1] He died on 3 April 1709, age 67, in Andover. [1]

iv. Mary Ballard was born say 1648. She married Samuel Butterfield. [8]

It is apparent from the settlement of William Ballard's estate that he had a son-in-law named Samuel Butterfield. Samuel Butterfield had a wife named Mary. Thus, it seems likely that William had an unrecorded daughter Mary.

v. William Ballard was born say 1651. He married Hannah Hooper on 20 April 1682 in Andover. [1][4, 9: 428]

vi. John Ballard was born on 17 January 1653 in Andover. [1] He died on 18 December 1715, age about 62, in Andover. [1] He married Rebecca Hooper on 16 November 1681 in Andover. [1] She died on 1 December 1715 in Andover. [1]

In 1692 John served the warrant on Martha Currier, hanged as a witch on 19 August 1692. [3]

vii. Hannah Ballard was born on 14 August 1655 in Andover. [1][4, 2: 121] She either died young, as she is not mentioned in the settlement of her father's estate, or she is the same person as the Ann who married John Spaulding.

viii. Lydia Ballard was born on 30 April 1657 in Andover. [1][4, 2: 121] She married Joseph Butterfield on 12 April 1674 in Chelmsford. [1]

ix. Ann Ballard married John Spaulding on 20 September 1681 in Chelmsford. [1] She may be the same person as the daughter Hannah.

x. Abigail Butterfield was unmarried in 1689.


1. Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2 (Topsfield: Topsfield Historical Society, 1912).

Hanna, d. William and Grace, Aug. 14, 1655.
John, s. William and Grace, Jan. 17, 1653.
Lidda, d. William and Grace, Apr. 30, 1657.

2: 37–38 BALLARD
Ann, and John Spaulding, at Chelmsford, 20 : 7m : 1681.
Elizabeth, d. William, and William Blunt, at Chelmsford, Nov. 11, 1668.
John, and Rebekah Hooper, Nov. 16, 1681.
Lydia, d. William, and Joseph Butterfield, at Chelmsford, 12 : 2m : 1674.

Sara, and Henry Holt, Feb. 24, 1669
William, and Hannah Hooper, Apr. 20, 1682.

2: 382–4 BALLARD
Grace, wid. William, Apr. 27, 1694.
John, h. Rebecka, Dec. 18, 1715, a. abt. 62 y.
Rebecka, w. John, Dec. 1, 1715.
Willia[m], sr., July 10, 1689.

2: 395–6 BLUNT

Elizabeth, w. Willia[m], July 11, 1689.
William, Apr. 3, 1709, a. 67 y.

2: 466, 470 HOLT
Henery, Jan. 13, 1718-19, a. abt. 75 y.
Sarah, wid. Henry, Nov. 25, 1733.

2. James R. Henderson, "The English Origins of John Lovejoy of Andover, Massachusetts," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 16 (2009): 27–2.

3. Barbara Holden, "The Ballards of Andover," The Essex Genealogist 16 (1996): 65–68.

4. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols., digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

5. "Passengers of the Mary and John, 1634," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 9 (1855): 267.

6. Charles Frederic Farlow and Charles Henry Pope, The Ballard Genealogy (Boston: C.H. Pope, 1911).

7. Abiel Abbot, History of Andover: From its Settlement to 1829 (Andover: Flag and Gould, 1829).

8. "New England Marriages to 1700," digitized books, AmericanAncestors, originally published as Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015):

1: 265 BUTTERFIELD, Samuel (1647-1715) & Mary (not Ann) [BALLARD]; by 1670; Chelmsford {Chelmsford VR 33; Butterfield 3; Warren (,5) 78; Ballard 68 has Ann; Ballard Anc. 66, 68; Plainfield CT VR 18, 63; Pope's Pioneers 30; Reg. 44:38}

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