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John Paybody (d. by 1667)

Isabel Unknown (d. aft. 1649)

Isabel is sometimes referred to as Isabel Harper, but there is no apparent evidence for this.

John Paybody, planter of Daybroock in New Plymouth, in "perfect health" made his will on 16 July 1649. He left one shilling each to his eldest son Thomas, his second son Francis, his youngest son William, and his daughter Annis Rouse. He left John Rouse' son John Rouse his lands at Carswell in Marshfield after his wife's decease. He left William Paybody's son John his lot at "the new plantation." He left the rest of his estate to his wife Isabell Paybody and named her his executrix. A witness swore to the will on 27 April 1667. [1]

Children of John Paybody and Isabel Harper:

i. Thomas Paybody

ii. Francis Paybody

iii. Annis Paybody was born say 1618. she died between 10 November 1687 and 12 September 1688. She married John Rouse. John was born about 1615. [2] He died on 16 December 1684 in Marshfield. [2]

John migrated to New England in 1634 and settled in Marshfield. [2] He was a servant of Governor Thomas Prence. [2]

John was chosen constable in Marshfield on 4 June 1645. He was on a coroner's jury on 14 February 1654/5, a grand jury on 3 June 1656, and a petit jury on 2 October 1660. [2]

John was admitted a freeman on 1 June 1658. He was a Quaker and was whipped on 5 June 1658 for refusing to take the oath of fidelity. [2]

John made his will on 30 May 1682. He named his brother William Pabodie and his son John Rouse his overseers. Inventory was taken on 3 January 1684/5. [2]

Annis made her will on 10 November 1687; it was proved on 12 September 1688 and inventory was taken on 17 August 1688. [2]

iv. William Pabodie was born about 1619. He died on 13 December 1707 died in Little Compton. He married Elizabeth Alden.


1. B. Pulsifer, Jr., "Will of John Paybody," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 12 (1858): 312.

2. "Great Migration 1634–1635, R–S," digitized book,,  originally published as:  Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634–1635, Volume VI, R–S (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2009), 104–9.

Last revised: 10-Aug-2023