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MARY UNKNOWN (c. 1568/9–1627)

William Brewster was probably born in the last half of 1566 or the first half of 1567 in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire. [1] He died on 10 April 1644 in Duxbury, according to an entry made by his son Jonathan found in the family records, or 18 April, according to William Bradford. [BB][2] William married by 1593 Mary Unknown. [3]

William Bradford wrote: [2]

About the 18th of April [1643] died their Reverend Elder and my dear and loving friend Mr. William Brewster, a man that had done and suffered much for the Lord Jesus and the gospel's sake, and had borne his part in weal and woe for this poor persecuted church above 36 years in England, Holland and in this wilderness, and done the Lord and them faithful service in his place and calling. And notwithstanding the many troubles and sorrows he passed through, the Lord upheld him to a great age. He was near fourscore years of age (if not all out) when he died. He had this blessing added by the Lord to all the rest; to die in his bed, in peace, amongst the midst of his friends, who mourned and wept over him and ministered what help and comfort they could unto him, and he again recomforted them whilst he could. His sickness was not long, and till the last day thereof he did not wholly keep his bed. His speech continued till somewhat more than half a day, and then failed him, and about nine or ten a clock that evening he died without any pangs or gaspings, and so sweetly departed into a better life

Mary Unknown was probably born in the last half of 1568 or the first half of 1569. She died on 17 April 1627 in Plymouth. [BB] Mary's identity is unknown. It was claimed that she was the daughter of Thomas Wentworth. This would give the descendants of William Brewster royal ancestors, but the evidence of it is scanty. It was later claimed that Mary was Mary Wyrral, but the evidence for this is inadequate as well. [4]

William Brewster's English Ancestry

William's grandfather William Brewster (the first) married Maude Man. He was taxed in 1524 in Arksey, Yorkshire, near Doncaster. William's father William Brewster (the second) was born say 1535 and died in 1590. He married Mary, the daughter of William Smythe of Stainforth, near Doncaster. William (the second) and Mary were the parents of William and a brother Henry, who was vicar at Sutton on Lound, co. Nottingham from 1565 to 1594. [5]

William's father, William Brewster (the second), received a life tenure from Archbishop Sandys as receiver of Scrooby and bailiff of the manor house. [1] In 1590 William was appointed administrator of his father's estate. His father had died in the summer of that year leaving a widow named Prudence. [1]

In an affidavit made at Leiden on 25 June 1609, William, his wife Mary and his son Jonathan said that they were age 42, 40 and 16, respectively. [1]

William entered Peterhouse, Cambridge, on 3 December 1580, but did not graduate. [3] "After he had attained some learning, viz. the knowledge of the Latin tongue and some insight in the Greek, and spent some small time at Cambridge ... he went to the Court and served ... Mr. Davison, divers years when he was Secretary of State' [to Queen Elizabeth]. [2]

When his master fell into disfavor, William returned to the country, where he lived in "promoting and furthering religion." [2] This resulted in his persecution. [2] He and other pilgrims attempted to move to the Netherlands, but through the treachery of their shipmaster, William was imprisoned. [1]

When he reached Leiden, where he lived for twelve years, he initially struggled to provide for his children. However his life improved when he began teaching English and became a printer. [1][2]

William, Mary and their two young sons Love and Wrestling came to New England in 1620 on the Mayflower. [1]

On 20 December 1623 John Robinson wrote from Leiden, "And I hope Mrs. Brewster's weak and decayed state of body will have some repairing by the coming of her daughters." [6]

The Pilgrims borrowed heavily from English merchant adventurers to come to America. Their money making efforts were unsuccessful and in 1627 eight colonists, known as undertakers renegotiated and undertook to repay the debt in return for a monopoly on the fur trade and other considerations. These undertakers were William Bradford, John Howland, Myles Standish, Isaac Allerton, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, John Alden and Thomas Prence. [OPP, 194–6, ch. 18, fn. 5]

William Brewster, gentleman of Plymouth, died intestate and administration on his estate was granted to his two sons Jonathan Brewster and Love Brewster, on 5 June 1644. They asked William Bradford, Edward Winslow, Thomas Prence and Myles Standish to assist them on a division of his estates. A final agreement was reached on 20 August 1645 and Jonathan and Love were referred to then as the only surviving children. [1][3]

William left a library of about 400 volumes. [1]

Children of William and Mary Brewster: (Greenlaw argues convincingly that it is unlikely that there were any others who did not die young. [1])

i. Jonathan Brewster was born on 12 August 1593 in Scrooby. He married Lucretia Oldham of Derby by 10 April 1624 in Plymouth.

ii. Patience Brewster was born say 1603. She married Thomas Prence on 5 August 1624 in Plymouth.

ii. Fear Brewster was born say 1605. She died on 12 December 1634. [1] She married Isaac Allerton by 1627 in Plymouth. [3]

Fear came to New England with her sister Patience in the Anne in July 1623. [1]

"Mr. Allerton had married the daughter of their Reverend Elder, Mr. Brewster, a man beloved and honoured amongst them." [7]

iv. Love Brewster was born say 1607. He died between 6 October 1650, when he wrote his will, and 4 March 1650/1, when it was proved. [1] He married Sarah Collier, on 15 May 1634. [3] Sarah married second Richard Parke of Cambridge on 1 September 1656. [1] He died in 1665. [1]

v. Unknown Child Brewster was buried on 20 June 1609 in St. Pancras, Leiden. [3]

vi. Wrestling Brewster was born say 1611. He died between 1627 and 1651. [3]


1. Lucy Hall Greenlaw, "Early Generations of the Brewster Family," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 53 (1899): 109–14.

2. William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation 1620–1647, edited and annotated by Samuel Eliot Morison (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001), 324–30.

3. "The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620–1633, Volumes I-III," digitized books, AmericanAncestors, 227–30.

4. Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History & People 1620–1691 (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1986), 250–1.

5. John G. Hunt, "The Mother of Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 124 (1970): 250–6.

6. Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, letter from John Robinson, 20 December 1623, Leiden, 376.

7. Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, 218.

BB. George Ernest Bowman, "The Brewster Book," Mayflower Descendant 1 (1899): 1–8, family records made by Jonathan (William) Brewster.

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