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CONSTANCE HOPKINS, daughter of Stephen Hopkins

Nicholas was on a 2 January 7 Charles [1631/2] tax list in Plymouth. [RPC3] He was a freeman in Plymouth in 1633. [RPC0] He was on a 24 March 1633/4 Plymouth tax list. [RPC1]

He was on a committee to lay out highways on 1 October 1634. [PRC8] He was one of three to arbitrate a matter between Joseph Beedle and Edw. Dowty on 4/5 October 1636. [RPCD]

Nicholas was on a 7 March 1636/7 list of freemen in Plymouth. [RPCK]

He was given the hay ground he had the previous year at Wellingsley on 20 March 1636/7. [RPCE]

On 7 May 1638 Nicholas Snow requested land towards the Six-Mile Brook and Anthony Snow requested a three-acre parcel. [RPCS] On 2 July 1638 Nicholas requested more hay ground and wall allowed more for that year. [RPCW] On 7 August 1638 Nicholas asked for five to six acres of land and Anthony requested three acres. [RPCX}

Nicholas was on a grand inquest jury on 5 June 1638. [RPCV] Nicholas was appointed a surveyor of highways on 3 March 1639/40 and 2 June 1640. [PC13] He was one of three presented for not mending highways on 1 December 1640. They were released on the condition that they would do so. [PC01]

On 5 May 1640 Nicholas was appointed to view the meadow that had not been already granted at Greens Harbor and report on the number of acres. [PC16] He was assigned to lay out land on 1 February 1641/2. [PC02]

Nicholas was an early settler of Nauset (later Eastham). He was appointed a supervisor of highways for Eastham on 1 June 1647 and 7 June 1653. He was appointed a deputy on 7 June 1648, 4 June 1650 and 3 June 1652. He was appointed to collect an excise tax on 7 June 1648. [PC03]

An undated deed says, "A declaration of the Right and Interest of sundry persons, sometimes members of the Church of Plymouth have; to a tract ofland of Township lying inthe betome of Cape Codd being comonly called Nausett, Now Eastham, both by an acte of Court and also by purchse from the Natives, the Names of the persons are these, Mr. Thomas Prence, Mr. John Dowe, Nicholas Snow, Josias Cooke, Richard Higgens, John Smalley, Edward Bangs &c:" [DV30]

Children of Nicholas Snow and Constance Hopkins:

i. Mary Snow married Thomas Paine.

ii. Stephen Snow married Susanna Deane.

iii. Anthony Snow (?)

Anthony was granted five acres of meadow at Cole Brook Meadow on 31 December 1641. [PC04] He was on the jury of grand inquiry on 1 June 1647 and the petty jury on 4 October 1648. [PC05] He was admitted freeman and appointed a surveyor of highways in Marshfield on 5 June 1651. He was chosen constable of Marshfield on 3 June 1652. [PC06]

iv. William Snow (?)

William and several others were presented on 8 June 1651 for "vain, light, and lascivious carriage at an unreasonable time of night." The 7 October 1651 court found that they were not equally guilty and William and some of the others were released with an admonition. [PC07]

v. Mark Snow (?) married Anna Cooke. [NENS0]

Mark Snow desired to be a freeman on 8 June 1655. [PC08] He was chosen constable for Eastham on 8 June 1655. [PC08]


DV30. "Massachusetts: Plymouth Colony Deeds, 1671–1673," digitized book, deeds, volume 3, part 2, p. 123.

RPC3. Nathaniel Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth: Court Orders, vols. 1–3 (Boston, William White, 1855), vol. 1: 9–11.

RPC0. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 3–4.

RPC1. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 27–29.

RPC8. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 31.

RPCD. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 44.

RPCE. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 55–57.

RPCE. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 83–84.

RPCV. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 86–87.

RPCW. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 90–92.

RPCX. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 92–94.

PC13. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 140–1, 154–6.

PC16. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 151–3.

PC01. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 5.

PC02. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 7.

PC03. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 115, 123, 125, 154; vol. 3: 8, 33.

PC04. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 30.

PC05. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 116, 134.

PC06. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 167–8; vol. 3: 8.

PC07. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 170, 172.

PC08. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 78.

NENS0. New Englanders in Nova Scotia, manuscript, R. Stanton Avery Special Collections, New England Historic and Genealogical Society, online database, American Ancestors, 8–9.

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