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Richard Linton died on 30 March 1665 in Lancaster. [1] He married Elizabeth Unknown. [2] She apparently outlived him. [2]

Richard Linton deeded his house in Watertown to Robert Sanderson in September 1645. [2]

Richard Linton was one of the early signers of the articles of agreement of Lancaster on 4 November 1654. [2] He was granted 20 acres in the first grant of lots in 1653. [2] The town listed estates in 1654 for purposes of dividing land and they ranged from about 78 pounds for Henry Kerley to about 380 pounds for John White. Richard's estate amounted to about 90 pounds. [2] He received about three or four acres in the 1654 division of meadow. [2] He is on on 9 March 1654 list of townsmen. [2]

Children of Richard Linton:

i. Anne Linton married Lawrence Waters.

ii. Unknown daughter married Unknown Bennett.

On 3 February 1659, George Bennett was granted meadowland in Lancaster that had been due his grandfather Richard Linton. [2] George died in the 22 August 1675 Indian raid on Lancaster. [1]


1. Nourse, Henry S., Birth, Marriage and Death Register, Church Records and Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1850 (Clinton, MA, W. J. Coulter, Printer, 1890), 12 (Richard's death), 16 (George Bennett's death).

2. Henry S. Nourse, The Earliest Records of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1725 (Lancaster: J. Coulter, 1884), 30 (covenant), 33–40 (land grants), 41 (1654 list of townsmen), 70 (George Bennett), 252 (wife Elizabeth, 1645 deed).

Last revised: 16-Dec-2023