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GEORGE FRYE (c. 1615–1676)

George Frye was born about 1615 near or in Comb St. Nicholas, co. Somerset. He died between 6 July and September 1676. He probably married Mary, the widow of William Brandon. [1]

George Frye deposed on 5 March 1673/4, "aged fifty Eight years or thereabouts, heertofore of Comb St. Nicholas [co. Somerset] in the Realme of England, husbandman, Living there until the yeare 1640 in that yeare removed & came in the same shippe to New England with William Torrey & Samuel Torrey his sonn both of the sd Comb St. Nicholas & beeing arrived in New England settled & ever since have Lived in Weymouth ... " [2]

George was a weaver. [1]

George was made a freeman on 7 May 1651. [1][2]

George made his will on 6 July 1676; it was proved on 30 November 1676. He left his daughter-in-law [stepdaughter] Mary Smith, wife of James Smith, Sr., five pounds. He left a third of the residue each to his daughter Ruth Torrey and her son James Smith, his daughter Naomi Yeales, and his daughter Bethiah Reed. He named James Smith, Sr. of Weymouth and Timothy Yeales of Boston his executors. Inventory was taken in September 1676. [1][2]

Children of George Frye:

i. Ruth Frye married Jonathan Torrey. [1]

ii. Naomi Frye married ___ Yeales.

ii. Bethiah Frye was born about 1653. She died on 20 October 1730, probably in Dighton. She married John Reed.


1. Donald Lines Jacobus, The Granberry Family and Allied Families: Including the Ancestry of Helen (Woodward) Granberry (Hartford, CT: E.F. Waterman, 1945), 220.

2. History of Weymouth, Massachusetts. Weymouth, Mass., vol. 3 (Weymouth: Weymouth Historical Society, 1923), 243-4.

Last revised: 11-Dec-2023