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NATHANIEL WHITCOMB (1697–1772), son of James Whitcomb and Mary Parker

ROSILLA COOMBS (1702–1737), daughter of Anthony Coombs and Dorcas Wooden

Nathaniel Whitcomb, the son of James Whitcomb and Mary Parker, was born on 19 August 1697 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. [1][2] He died on 18 March 1772, age 74, in Hardwick, Worcester County, Massachusetts. [2][3] He married first Rosilla Coombs on 21 January 1722/3 in Rochester, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. [4] He married second Phebe Blackmer on 27 January 1738 in Rochester. [4] Phebe, the daughter of John and Anna (Branch) Blackmer, was born on 24 May 1704 in Rochester. [4]

Nathaniel is buried in the Old Cemetery in Hardwick. [3] The inscription on his gravestone says: [5]

In Memory of Mr Nathaniel Whitcombe Who [-] Decd March Ye 18th 1772 In the 75th year of his Age.

Nathaniel's town death record is from the cemetery record and says he died in 1779. The curly "two" in 1772 on his gravestone could easily be misread as a "nine."

Rosilla, the daughter of Anthony Coombs and Dorcas Woodin, was born on 23 November 1702 in Rochester. [4][6] Rosilla, the wife of Nathaniel, died there on 8 March 1737. [4]

Nathaniel was a cooper. [2] He moved from Rochester to Hardwick about 1742. [2] He was a selectman for five years between 1745 and 1759. [2] He was an assessor for three years. [2]

Peter, a Negro belonging to Nathaniel, was baptized on 29 August 1742 in Rochester. [7]

Nathaniel Whitcomb of Hardwick made his will on 16 October 1771; it was proved on 30 March 1772. His heirs were his wife Phebe; his four living daughters, Mary, Dorcas, Rosilla, and Content; the children of his deceased daughter Joanna; and his three sons Nathaniel, Asa, and Lot. He freed his "negro man Peter in consideration of his services." His sons Asa and Lot were to support him. [8]

Children of Nathaniel Whitcomb and Rosilla Coombs: Births recorded in Rochester. [4]

i. Joanna Whitcomb was born on 6 June 1725. She died before 16 October 1771, when she was referred to as deceased in her father's will. She married Silas Dean on 13 September 1744 in Hardwick. [2][3] Silas was the son of Seth Deane; the grandson of Ezra and Bethiah (Edson) Deane; and the great-grandson of Walter and Eleanor (Strong) Deane and Samuel Edson. [2]

ii. Mary Whitcomb was born on 9 October 1727. She died on 9 May 1822, age 94 years, and is buried in the Hardwick (Central) Cemetery in Hardwick. [3][5] She married first Paul Dean of Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts on 4 December 1745 in Hardwick. [2] Paul was the brother of Mary's sister Joanna's husband Seth. [2] He died before 8 April 1767. [2] Mary married second as his third wife Deacon Daniel Spooner of Petersham, Worcester County, Massachusetts on 16 October 1780 in Hardwick. [2][3][9][10] Daniel, the son of Samuel and Experience (Wing) Spooner, was born on 28 February 1694. [9] He married first Elizabeth Ruggles on 10 October 1728 in Rochester. [4][9] Elizabeth, the daughter of John and Hannah (Devotion) Ruggles of Roxbury, was born there on 21 October 1700 and died on 5 August 1766 in Petersham. [9][11] Daniel married second the widow Bethiah Nichols on 3 September 1767 in Lancaster. [9][10][12]

The inscription on Mary's gravestone says: [5]

Mrs. Mary Spooner Wife of Deac. Daniel Spooner Died May 9 1822, Aged 94 Years.

Paul was a carpenter and a farmer. [2] Daniel was a carpenter. [9]

Mary was admitted to the church in Petersham on 10 September 1781 on a letter from the church in Hardwick. [9]

iii. Dorcas Whitcomb was born on 8 March 1729/30. She died on 10 December 1803. She married Solomon Aikens.

iv. Nathaniel Whitcomb was born on 26 May 1732. He married first Margaret Aikens on 19 June 1755 in Hardwick. [3][2, 536] He married second Mrs. Mary Freeman on 17 October 1779. [2]

Nathaniel moved to Groton before 1779. [2] [2, 536]

v. Rosilla Whitcomb was born on 19 February 1733/4. She died on 29 October 1809. [2] She married first George Paige on 4 June 1752 in Hardwick. [2][3] George was the son of Christopher and Elizabeth (Reed) Paige and the grandson of Nathaniel and Joanna Paige and Deacon George Reed of Woburn. [2] He was born on 17 June 1725 in Hardwick and died there on 8 May 1781, age 55. [3] He is buried in the Old Hardwick Cemetery. [5] Rosilla married second as his second wife Captain William Breckenridge of Ware on 17 March 1790 in Hardwick. [2][3] William died on 16 February 1807 and is buried in the Ware Center Cemetery in Ware. [5][13] He married first Agnas Sinclair. [5] She died on 19 March 1789, age 69, and is buried in the Ware Center Cemetery. [5]

vi. Asa Whitcomb was born on 29 February 1735/6. He died on 31 March 1812. [2][5] Asa of Hardwick married Joanna, the daughter of Benjamin and Mercy (Chapman) Raymond of Rochester, on 15 March 1759 in Rochester. [2][4][3] Joanna was born on 11 May 1740 in Rochester and was baptized there on 27 June 1742 in the First Congregational Church. [4]

Asa was the principle leader in the settlement of Barnard, Windsor County, Vermont. He was a selectman, the first justice of the peace and a representative in 1779. [2]

Asa has a gravestone in the Barnard Village Cemetery. It says: [2][5]

Erected in honor of Asa Whitcomb who ended his carear of usefullness March 31 AD 1812 in the 78th year of his age. He was one of the framers of the constitution of this state, of the first settlers of this town and a main pillar of its infant settlement; and during the struggle for independence was a firm supporter of the cause of his country.

The wording suggests it might not be contemporaneous or it is a cenotaph.

vii. John Whitcomb was born on 14 February 1737. He was baptized on 7 March 1737/8 in Rochester. [7] He apparently died young.

Children of Nathaniel Whitcomb and Phebe Blackmer: Births of first three recorded in Rochester [4]

viii. Lot Whitcomb was born on 2 May 1739. He died on 7 April 1797, age 57. He married Lydia Nye of New Braintree, Worcester County, Massachusetts on 9 December 1762 in New Braintree. [2][3] Lydia, the daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Benson) Nye, was born on 28 January 1744/5 in Rochester. [4] She died on 22 February 1831, age 86.

Lot and Lydia are buried together in the Maplewood Cemetery in Stockbridge, Windsor County Vermont. Their gravestone says: [5]

Lydia Whitcomb died Feb 22, 1831 aged 86 years / Lot Whitcomb died Apr 7, 1797, aged 57 years.

Lot moved to Barnard. [2]

ix. Content Whitcomb (twin) was born on 19 October 1740. She died after 16 October 1771. She and her twin were probably baptized on 27 October 1740 in the First Congregational Church in Rochester. [3] Content married Solomon Bush of Ware on 27 November 1766 in Hardwick. [2][3]

x. Thankful Whitcomb (twin) was born on 19 October 1740. She died before 16 October 1771.

xi. John Whitcomb was born on 26 June 1743 in Hardwick. [3] He died before 16 October 1771.


1. Vital Records of Scituate, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850, 2 vols. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1909), vol. 1vol. 2. Vol. 1: 407 WHETCOM Nathanaell, twin s. James (Whetcomb), Aug. 19, 1697.

2. Lucius R. Paige, History of Hardwick, Massachusetts (Boston: Houghton, Mifllin and Co. 1883), 360, 433–4, 535–7.

3. Thomas W. Baldwin, Vital Records of Hardwick, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850 (Boston: Wright & Potter, 1917).


124 John, s. Nathaniel and Phebe, June 26, 1743.


Asa and Joanna Raymond of Rochester, int. Feb. 18, 1759.
Nathaniel (Jr., int.) and Margaret Aikens, June 19, 1755.
Content and Solomon Bush (of Ware, int.), Nov. 27, 1766
Dorcas and Solomon Aikens, Feb. 8, 1749
Joanna and Silas Dean, Sept. 13, 1744 C.R.
Lot and Lydia Nye of New Braintree, in New Braintree, Dec. 9, 1762
Mary and Paul Deal (of Taunton, int.), Dec. 4, 1745 C.R.
Rozilla and George Paige, June 4, 1752.

335 Nathaniel, Mar. 18, 1779, in his 75th y. G.R.I. [Old Cemetery]

DEAN 164 Mary and Dea. Daniel Spooner of Petersham, Oct. 16, 1780.


82 George, s. of Christopher and Elisabeth, June 17, 1725
221 Rozillah and Capt. Will[ia]m Brakenrige of Ware, Mar. 17, 1790
313 George, May 8, 1781 in his 56 y. G.R. I.

SPOONER 325 Mary, wid. of (Dea. Daniel, G.R.2 [Central Cemetery]), May 9, 1822, a. 94.

4. Vital Records of Rochester, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850, vol. 1vol. 2 (Boston: New England Historic and Genealogical Society, 1914).


Vol. 1: 301–2

Thankfull, twin ch. Nath[aniel] and Phebe, bp. Oct. 19, 1740, C.R.I. [First Congregational Church of Rochester]
Asa, s. Nathanel and Rosilla, Feb. 29, 1735-6.
Content, d. Nathanel and Phebe, Oct. 27, 1740 [Content, Whitcomb, twin ch. Nath[aniel] and Phebe, bp. Oct. 19 sic, C.R.I.]
Darcus, d. Nathanel and Rosilla, Mar. 8, 1729-30.
Johanah, d. Nathanel and Rosilla, June 6, 1725.
John (Whitcum), s. Nathanel and Rosilla, Feb. 14, 1737 [Whitcomb, s. Nat and Rose, C.R.I.]
Lott, s. Nathanel and Phebe, May 2, 1739 [Lot Whitcomb, s. Natt and Rube, C.R.I.]
Mary, d. Nathanel and Rosilla, Oct. 9, 1727.
Nathaniell, s. Nathanel and Rosilla, May 26, 1732.
Rozillah, d. Nathanel and Rosilla, Feb. 19, 1733-4.

Vol. 2: 316

Asa [int. Aseph of Herdwick] and Joanna Raymond [dup. Raimond, int. Ramond], Mar. 15, 1759 [Asa of Hardwich and Joanna Raymond]
Nathaniel and Rose Cumbs, Jan. 21, 1722-3.
Nathaniel [int. Nath[anie]ll] and Phebe Blackmer, Jully 27, 1738 [Nathaniel Whitcomb, P.C.R.]

Vol. 2: 443 Rosillah, w. Nathanel, Mar. 8, 1737.


Vol. 1: 89 Roseanna, ch. Anthony (Coms), Nov. 23, 1702.


Vol. 1: 38 Phebe, ch. John and Anna, May 24, 1704.

Vol. 2: 39 John and Anna Branch, Sept. 18, 1700.


Vol. 1: 225 Lydia, d. Samuel and Lydia, Jan. 28, 1744-5.

Vol. 2 228 Samul [int. Samuel] and Lydia Benson, June 23, 1737.


Vol. 1: 247

Joanna, d. Benjamin and Mercy, bp. June 27, 1742 C.R.I.
Joannah, d. Benjamin and Marcy, May 11, 1740.

Vol. 2: 253 Benjamin and Mercy [int. Marcy] Chapman, Nov. 17, 1737.


Vol. 2: 228 Daniel and Elizabeth Ruggles, Oct. 10, 1728

5. Find a Grave, database and images (accessed 07 January 2024), memorial pages for

Nathaniel Whitcomb (19 Aug 1697–18 Mar 1772), Memorial ID 24858817, citing Old Hardwick Cemetery, Hardwick, Worcester County, MA; Maintained by Star Rhodes (contributor 46878998).

Mary Whitcomb Spooner (9 Oct 1727–9 May 1822), Memorial ID 113810936, citing Hardwick Cemetery, Hardwick, Worcester County, MA; Maintained by Cynthia S. DellaPenna (contributor 47346141).

George Paige (17 Jun 1725–8 May 1781), Memorial ID 25770315, citing Old Hardwick Cemetery; Maintained by Mandy Paige McCubbin (contributor 46929863).

Capt William Brackenridge (17 Sep 1723–16 Feb 1807), Memorial ID 63385517 and Agnas Sinclair Brakenridge (1719–19 Mar 1789), Memorial ID 63385475, citing Ware Center Cemetery, Ware, Hampshire County, MA; Maintained by P.K. Magruder (contributor 47017377).

Asa Whitcomb (28 Feb 1735–31 Mar 1812), Memorial ID 159097416, citing Barnard Village Cemetery, Barnard, Windsor County, VT; Maintained by Bill DeFlorio (contributor 47633447).

Lot Whitcomb (2 May 1739–7 Apr 1797), Memorial ID 147222351, citing Maplewood Cemetery, Stockbridge, Windsor County, VT; Maintained by Sue (contributor 47067682).

6. Janet Ireland Delorey, "John Woodin, Bricklayer of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and South Carolina,"The American Genealogist 64 (19989), 238–245, specifically 243.

7. George P. Howard, trans. and Shirley Robinson Pizziferri, ed., "Rochester Church Records," Mayflower Descendant 44, no. 2 (1994), p. 32; 45, no. 1 (1995), 31.

8. "Massachusetts, U.S. Wills and Probate Records, 1635–1991," database with images, Ancestry ( > Worcester > Probate Records, Vol 11-12, 1769-1774, images 348–9.

9. Thomas Spooner, Records of William Spooner of Plymouth, Mass., vol. 1 (Cincinnati: F.W. Freeman, 1883), 31, 52–54.

10. "Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620–1850," database with images, > Petersham.


144 Dea. Daniel and Mrs. Bethia Nichols of Lancaster, int. Aug. 15, 1767.
145 Dea. Daniel and Mrs. Mary Dean of Hardwick, int. Sept. 23, 1780.

11. Anna Borden Harding, "Spooner Bible," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 118 (1964): 61–63.

12. "Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620–1850," database with images, > Lancaster, 102. Daniel Spooner of Petersham & Bethia Nickols of Lancaster September 3d, 1767 [called a widow in int., p. 40].

13. "Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620–1850," database with images, > Ware, 678.

Last revised: 07-Jan-2024