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ANDREW HALLETT (bp. 1607–1682/4)

Andrew, the son of Andrew and Beatrice (Knote) Hallett, was baptized on 19 May 1607 in Symondsbury, Dorsetshire. [1] He died between 14 March 1681/2 and 19 May 1684. [1] He had an unknown first wife. [1]

Andrew married second Ann Besse by 1663. [1][2] Ann, the daughter of Anthony and Jane Besse, was born about 1641. [2]

Andrew Hallett, a 28-year-old servant of Richard Wade, emigrated on the Marygould in 1635. [1] As Richard's servant, he settled in Dorchester. He move to Sandwich in 1639 and to Yarmouth in 1642. [1]

Andrew was a planter. [1] He was admitted to the Yarmouth church before 1 June 1646. [1] He is in the Sandwich section of those who took the Plymouth Colony oath of fidelity in 1639. [1]

Ann (Besse) Hallett made her will on 23 June 1684; it was probated on 1 June 1694. She mentioned her youngest daughter Mehitable Dexter, her grandson John Bourne, her [step] daughter Ruhamah Bourne, and her [step] daughter Abigail Alden. She appointed her three daughters her executors. [2]

Andrew made his will on 14 March 1681/2; it was proved on 19 May 1684. He mentioned his wife Ann, his sons Jonathan and John Hallett, his daughter Ruhamah Bourne and his grandchildren Timothy, Hannah, Eleazar, Hezekiah, and John Bourne, his daughter Abigail Alden and her children, and his daughter Mehitable. Inventory on his estate was taken on 19 May 1684 and it amounted to a substantial £1,180-13-09. [1]

Children of Andrew Hallett and his first wife:

i. Abigail Hallett was born say 1642. She died on 17 August 1725, age 81, according to her gravestone. [2] She married Lieutenant Jonathan Alden on 10 December 1672 in Duxbury. [1][2]

ii. Ruhamah Hallett was born say 1644. She married first Job Bourne. She married second William Hersey.

iii. Dorcas Hallett was baptized on 1 June 1646 in Barnstable. [1] There is no further record of her. [1]

iv. Jonathan Hallett [2] was born on 20 November 1647 in Yarmouth. [1] He married Abigail, the daughter of Thomas Dexter of Sandwich on 30 January 1683/4 in Yarmouth. [1]

v. John Hallett [2] was born on 11 December 1650 in Yarmouth. [1] He married Mary Howes on 16 February 1681/2 in Yarmouth. [1]

Children of Andrew Hallett and Ann Besse:

v. Mehitable Hallett was born say 1663. [1] She married John Dexter on 10 November 1682 in Sandwich. [1][2]


1. "Great Migration, 1634–1635, G–H," digitized book, originally published as Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration to New England, 1634–1635, Volume III, G–H (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2003), 195–200.

2. Mrs. John E. Barclay, "Ann (Besse) Hallet, Step-Mother of Abigail (Hallet) Alden," The American Genealogist 26 (1950): 193–5.

Last revised: 29-Feb-2024