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Thompson says, "Gershom Fleg (1641–90) was the son of tailor Thomas Fleg of Watertown and his sister Mary, married for 58 years when the patriarch died. The eldest of seven surviving brothers brothers and four sisters of a humble family, gershom moved to more promising prospects in Woburn, after marriage to a townswoman there, Hannah Leffingwell, in 1668." [FDD, 239]

Children of Thomas and Mary Flagg:

i. Gershom Flagg married Hannah Leffingwell in 1668.

In 1680 John Knight asked Gershom Flagg of Woburn for the money he owned him for seven new barrels. Gershom said that he used the barrels to venture nine barrels of cider with Mr. Bissell, and that he would pay him when Mr. Bissell came home. [FDD, 238–9]

Gershom Fleg was a relative humble townsman, farmer, and tanner in an inland town, yet he "ventured some cider" up or down the coast. As a tanner, he probably dealt with some neighboring towns, buying skins and selling hides and leather. Here though, he showed both enterprise in producing and disposing of his very considerable cider surplus, and also a canny market knowledge that it was worth his wihile to ship it a considerable distance to thirsty mouths. [FDD, 240]

"[Gershom] went on to found Woburn's first tannery in what would later become 'Tan City.'" [FDD, 239]

ii. John Flagg married Mary Gale on 30 March 1670 in Watertown. [mvrw, 1, pt. 2: 33]

iii. Mary Flagg married Samuel Bigelow.

iv. Beniamin Flagg was born on 25 June 1662 in Watertown. He married Experience Child on 26 September 1689 in Watertown.


mvrw. Watertown Historical Society, Watertown Records (Watertown: Fred G. Barker, 1894, 1900): vol. 1, vol. 2.

FDD. Roger Thompson, From Deference to Defiance: Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1629–1692 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012).

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