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Philip Thomas of Anne Arundel County, being "weak," made his will on 9 September 1674; it was proved on 10 July 1675. He left bequests to his sons Philip and Samuel Thomas; his wife Sarah; his daughter Martha Thomas; his grandchild Mary, the daughter of John Meers; his grandchildren Philip and Elizabeth, the children of William Coale. He lists his five children as Philip, Samuel, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Martha. He left his heirs, land, "servants," merchandise, tobacco, plate money, and livestock. He left 400 pounds of tobacco for the "relief of poor friends called Quakers." [w]

Children of Philip Thomas:

i. Philip Thomas

ii. Samuel Thomas

iii. Sarah Thomas probably died before 9 September 1674. She is probably the daughter who married John Meers.

iv. Elizabeth Thomas married William Coale.

v. Martha Thomas


w. Maryland Wills and Probate Records

Last revised: 23-Oct-2021