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MARY WARD (bp. 1594)

The English Ancestry of Mary Ward

William Ward of Coggeshall, Essex died after 28 August 1558, when he wrote his will. [2] He was the father of:

Thomas Ward, yeoman of Rivenhall, Essex. [2] Thomas died between 16 June 1593, when he wrote his will, and 10 July 1593, when it was proved. [2] He married first Joan ___. [2] She was buried on 15 October 1566 in Bocking. [2] He married second Katherine ___. [2] He married third Elizabeth ___. [2] He was the father of:

Edward Ward, yeoman of Little Wratting, Suffolk. [2] Edward was born say 1574. He between 9 January 1620/1, when he made his will, and 7 March 1620/1, when it was proved. [1][2] He married Judith ___. [1][2] Hovious argues she might be Judith Lukyn, and provides her ancestry. [2]

Children of Edward and Judith Ward, baptisms at Little Wratting:

i. Thomas Ward was baptized on 23 November 1587. [2]

ii. Martha Ward was baptized on 20 January 1589 and buried on 25 March 1590/1. [2]

iii. Joseph Ward was baptized on 6 June 1591. [2]

iv. Mary Ward was baptized on 20 November 1594.

v. Lydia Ward was baptized on 4 November 1593. [2] She married William Markham on 30 August 1620 in St. Stephen, Ipswich. Their son William went to Hadley, Massachusetts. [1]

vi. Nathaniel Ward was buried on 1 June 1664 in Hadley. He married Jane, the widow of John Hopkins of Hartford. She married third Gregory Wolterton of Hartford. Nathaniel was an original proprietor of Hartford. [1]

vii. Susan Ward was buried on 26 March 1627 at St. Stephens, Ipswich. She married Robert Browne. [1]

viii. Edward Ward was born by 1605. [1]

iv. Rebecca Ward was probably born by 1610. She died on 7 August 1678 in Charlestown, Massachusetts. She married Walter Allen by 1630. Walter died on 8 July 1681 in Charlestown. He married second Abigail Rogers on 29 November 1678 in Charlestown. Walter was in Newbury in 1640, in Watertown from 1662 to 1673, and then in Charlestown. [1]

John Cutting married Mary Ward on 13 August 1619 at St. Stephen, Ipswich. [1]

Mary was the daughter of Edward Ward of Little Wratting, Suffolk. [1][2][3] She was baptized there on 20 November 1594. [2] She married second John Miller, probably Reverend John Miller. [1][3]

For further details on John's life, see Walter Goodwin Davis. [4] For more on Mary's English ancestry, see Mahler and Hovious. [1][2]

John Cutting was a master mariner. [4]

John was the master of the Francis of Ipswich, which left for New England on 10 April 1634. He was the master of the New Supply, which said from England in 1637. He was master of John's Adventure in 1656. [1]

John was granted a 200-acre farm in Newbury before 1645. [1] John Cutting, gentleman, bought a house and land in Charlestown in 1648. [1][4] He returned to Newbury by 1656. [1]

John Cutting of Newbury made his will on 22 October 1659; it was proved on 27 March 1660. He left his estate to Mary for her widowhood. If she were to remarry, she was to pay our his estate five pounds a year each to his daughter Mary, wife of Nicholas Noyes; daughter Sarah Browne of Charlestown, wife of James Brown; his grandchild Mary, the wife of Samuel Moody. She was also to pay each of his grandchildren and grandchildren 30 shillings. After his wife's death, he left land to his daughter Mary Noyes that was go to her son Cutting Noyes after her death. He left the house he lived in and land to his daughter Sarah Browne. He left land to his grandchild Mary Moody. [5]

Mary made her will on 26 November 1663; it was proved on 29 March 1664. The will is partially damaged. She mentioned Sarah, wife of James Brown, son Nicholas Noyes, granddaughter Mary, wife of Samuel Moody. She named son James Browne executor. [1]

Children of Captain John Cutting and Mary Ward:

i. John Cutting and his father were joint masters of the Desire of Boston in 1641. [2] He probably died soon after. [2] He probably married and had one child, the Mary, wife of Samuel Moody, referred to in the above wills. [2]

i. Mary Cutting married Nicholas Noyes.

i. Sarah Cutting married first James Browne of Charlestown and Newbury, who died in 1676. [2] She married second William Healey of Watertown and Cambridge on 29 November 1677. [2] She married third Hugh March of Newbury on 3 December 1685. [2]


1. Leslie Mahler, "The English Origin of Nathaniel Ward of Hartford, Connecticut, and Hadley, Massachusetts, Mary (Ward) Cutting of Newbury, Massachusetts, Rebecca (Ward) Allen of Newbury, and Their Nephew William Markham of Hadley," The American Genealogist 83 (2008): 13–18.

2. Matthew Hovious, "The Ancestry of Edward Warde of Little Wratting, Suffolk, and the Putative Lukyn Origin of His Wife Judith," The Genealogist 28 (2014): 137–54.

3. Leslie Mahler, "The English Origins of Nathaniel Ward of Hartford, Connecticut ...., " The American Genealogist 83 (2008): 13–18.

4. Walter Goodwin Davis, Massachusetts and Maine Families in the Ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis, vol 1 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1996), 357–63.

5. "Will of John Cutting," Essex Antiquarian 8 (1904): 165–166.

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