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English ancestry of ISAAC CUMMINGS (bp. 1601–1677)

John Commin/Commyn of Copford and Easthorpe, Essex is perhaps the Johannes Cowman who was baptized on 23 July 1651 in Bocking, Essex. He married Amy, the daughter of John Greene of Great Birch, Essex between 1590 and 1594. Amy is perhaps the Amy, daughter of John Greene, who was baptized on 25 May 1572 in Aldham, Essex. The wife of John Comens was buried on 3 November 1612 in Copford. [1]

John Commyn, yeoman of Ipswich, Suffolk, made his will on 8 November 1633; it was proved on 24 April 1634.

Extract from [2]:

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto John Commyn my sonne ... my ten[emen]t and landes with their appurtenances called Wallcrofte ... being in Little Tey within the county of Essex and alsoe one close or field called ... Lanefeild with thappurten[a]nces ... in Marks Tey in ... Essex And I doe alsoe give ... [him] ... my tenem[en]t with the orchard and appurten[a]nces ... in Lexden nere Colchester in ... Essex Item I give and bequeath unto Robert George sonne of Thomas George late of Copforde deceased whoe maried Mr Mott wyves sister the some of fyfteene poundes ... Item I doe give and bequeath unto the said John Commyn my sonne ... my ten[emen]t ... [in] Colchester in a streete there called Magdalen Street within the parrish of St Mary Magdalen provided ... Isacke Com[m]yn my sonne ... paye ... seaventeene poundes ... within six moneths next after my decease ... and ... tenn poundes ... within twelve moneths ... Then I ... give and bequeath the same tenement ... [to] Isaacke ... But if the said Isaack ... shall make default of payment ... unto ... John ... then I will ... John ... paye ... Isaack ... fyftie and eight poundes ... and then ... John ... to have ... the same tenem[en]t ... Item I give and bequeath unto Abraham Com[m]yn my sonne ... my messuage por tenement called Hatchmans ... and one close of lande lyeing on the backside thereof conteyneing two acres ... in Much Tey in ... Essex Item I give more to my sonne Abraham ... two crofte of lande called Skynners and one croft of lande called Skynners acre lyeing in Much Tey ... And I... discharge ... Isaack... of ... a certaine debt or som[m]e of forty and fower poundes w[hi]ch he oweth unto me ... Item I give ... Robert George my coppie hould ten[emen]t ... in Brickellsie within ... Essex ... Item I give unto my daughter Ursula and unto my brother Robert Commynten shillings a peece Item I doe give and bequeath unto the poore people of the parish wherein ... I shall happen both to lyve and dye twenty shillings ... Item I give unto the preacher that shall make a sermon at my buriall twenty shillings... All the residue ... whatsoever unbequeathed I give ... unto my said three sonnes John Abraham and Isaack And I doe ordayne and make [them] executors of this my last will and testament ...

Children of John and Amy: [1]

i. John Commyn was baptized on 17 June 1595 in Easthorpe. He died after 10 January 1656, probably in Tolleshunt, D'Arcy, Essex. He married Rebecca Unknown about 1624.

ii. Urusla Commyn was baptized on 8 May 1597 in Easthorpe.

iii. Abraham Commyn was baptized on 11 November 1599 in Easthorpe. He was buried on 24 October 1657 in Great Tey, Essex. He married Margaret Lord about 1625.

In his will of 10 January 1656 he mentions his (older) brother John.

iv. Isaac Cummings was baptized on 5 April 1601 in Easthorpe. He died between 8 and 22 February 1677 in Topsfield, Massachusetts. He married Anne Unknown.

v. Mary Commyn was baptized on 10 November 1605 in Copford. She was possibly buried in November 1610 in Copford.

vi. John Commyn was baptized on 25 March 1608 in Copford. He was possibly buried in November 1610 in Copford.

vii. Daughter Commyn (possibly) by a second wife was baptized on 8 February 1619/20 in Copford.


1. David Butler Cummings, "Isaac Cummings (1601–1677) of Watertown, Ipswich and Topsfield, Massachusetts, and His Ancestry," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 165 (2011), 35–41.

2. ———, "The Will of Isaac's Father, John Commyn," will transcribed by Peter C. Nutt, Isaac Cummings Family Association (

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