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John Symonds (c. 1594–1671)

Elizabeth Unknown (d. aft. 1672)

John Symonds was born about 1594. He died between 16 August and 19 September 1671. He married Ruth Fox in Yarmouth. He later married Elizabeth Unknown.

Elizabeth ___ was alive on 25 June 1672 when she testified at the court in Salem. [1, 5: 353]

John deposed that he was about 74 on 29 March 1669. [1, 4: 110]

A John Symonds—possibly John's father—was taxed in 1620/1 in South Middle Ward, Great Yarmouth. [2]

John was a joiner.

John was granted land in Salem in 1636. [3] His lot in Salem was just south of the North River. [3]

John was presented at the 31 December 1644 court at Salem for allowing his cattle to go at large before the fruit was in. [1, 1: 72]

The 27 June 1648 court at Salem discharged John from training "as he is lame." If he became well again, he was to attend ordinary training. [1, 1: 143]

Gervase Garfield was presented at the 23 February 1648/9 court is Salem "for often soliciting [this?] Elizabeth Simonds (also Symonds) to be his future wife (his own wife being alive, and her husband also, for aught he knew), in an adulterous way, and for idleness in his place" and sentenced to sit in the stocks an hour and be bound to good behavior. Elizabeth was presented as well "for frequenting his company in their several houses, and being together alone abroad, knowing his purpose." She was discharged after saying she had no evil intent and was only weak. [1, 1: 159]

John was on the grand jury at the 24 November 1657 court in Salem. [1, 2: 58]

On 28 December 1791, William Bentley, pastor at Salem, wrote in his diary [4]

In looking over the papers of Mr. John Symonds who died aged 100 years, I find the following history of his G. Grandfater, who came to America. Henry Skerry æt 80, & Nath : Felton, æt 69 depose, that they were neighbors of John Symonds, Joiner, in Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk in England, about fifty years before, it being then 1685. And that they knew his Son James Symonds & that John Symonds died at Salem, New England to which he removed in 1670[!], & that he expected Lands would fall to him in Norwich, Norfolk. John Symonds married Ruth Fox in Yarmouth. James Symonds, Son of John married 1661. He had six sons & six daughters.

John wrote his will on 16 August 1671; it was proved on 19 September 1671.

I give to my living wife Elizabeth Symonds my house Orchard and out houseing and all my Land & my Bed & beding and such vessels and household stuffe as shee shall have ocation to use dureing her naturall life and also Twenty pound to be paid her five pound a year by my son James Symonds beginning the date from the day of my death It. I give my sonne James Symonds at my wives decease my dwelling house out houseing Orchard together with all my Land and I do assigne my servant John Pease to him dureing the term of time expressed in the Indenture paying forty pound in four year ten pound p anum, five p anam to my wife for four year as aforesd, and five p anam for four years unto my son Saml and my Daughter Kathren fifty shillings p anam to each of them pvided he soe long live if not soe long as he shall live to serve him and noe longer I give the Children of my Deceased Daughter Ruth Swinnerton Twenty pound equally to be divided amongst them and to be paide in part of my movable estate in convenient time after my decease.

I give al the rest of my Estate to my Sonne Samuel Symonds & my daughter Kathren Town equally to be divided between them in convenient time after my decease except my bed & household stuffe given my wife during her natural life as aforesd which at her decease my will is shall be equally divided between them two also I give my son Samuell one oxx now in his hands I give to Jon. Swinerton one sad cullerd Cloth Cote.

James Symonds and Samuel Symonds were named overseers; Samuel renounced this role. Major Hathren and Mr. Bartholmew were asked to be executors and he entreated them to "take care of my wife whoe is in an ill condition." He added "Further I give all my workinge tooles belonging to my trade to my son James Simons." Inventory on John's estate amounted to £342-14-10 and included, among other things, joiners tools, a long list of kitchen equipment, 32 cheeses, books, a musket and a sword. [1, 4: 443–5]

Children of John Symonds and Ruth Fox, baptized as the children of John and Ruth in Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk [2]

i. John Symonds was baptized on 30 March 1625. No record in New England.

ii. Edmund Symonds was baptized on 31 December 1626. No record in New England.

iii. Mary Symonds was baptized on 18 May 1628. No record in New England.

iv. Katherine Symonds was baptized on 18 April 1630. She married Jacob Towne. [2]

v. Ruth Symonds was baptized on 20 February 1630/1. She married Job Swinerton on 19 July 1658 in Salem. [5]

John gave his son-in-law Job Swinerton, Jr. land in Salem. [3]

A receipt, dated 11 March 1706/7 at Salem, from Jasper and Joseph Swinerton acknowledges ten pounds that they had received from James Symonds, executor of the estate of their grandfather John Symonds of Salem. [5]

vi. James Symonds was baptized on 19 May 1633. He married Elizabeth Browning on 20 November 1661 in Salem. [5]

Children of John and (probably) Elizabeth Symonds:

iii. Samuel Symonds was baptized in November 1638 in Salem. He died on 14 August 1722 in Boxford. He married Elizabeth Andrews.


1. George Francis Dow, ed., and Harriet S. Tapley, trans., Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 9 vols., digitized books, Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project (

2. George Andrews Moriarty, "John Symonds of Salem, Mass.," Notes section, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 96 (1942): 205.

3. Sydney Perley, "Salem in 1700. No. 14," Essex Antiquarian 8 (1904): 30.

4. The Diary of William Bentley, D.D., vol. 1 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1905), 329.

5. Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts: To the End of the Year 1849, vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6 (Salem: Essex Institute, 1916, 1918, 1924, 1925), vol. 2: 341 (Samuel's baptism), vol. 4 (marriages of Ruth, James and Samuel).

6. "Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638–1881," database with images,, case 27089.
