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Name Memorial Comments
John Abbott 110602083 No photo


Name Memorial Number Comments
Asahel Adams 67387791 Inscription is readable
Jabez Adams 46646824 Inscription is readable
Jabez Adams 79102197 Mother's name clearly visible in inscription on gravestone (photo).
Lucy Swift Adams 46646921 Inscription is readable
Lydia Fitch Adams 79102273 Inscription not readable
Olive Avery Adams 67388288 Inscription is readable
Phillis Ensworth Adams 79102333 Inscription is not readable
Phinhas Adams 13574826 "In memory of Mr Phinehas Adams who died Jan 7, 1779 age [can't read]."
Susanna Woodward Adams 11511177 Inscription is readable
William Adams 15527067 "Revolutionary War William Adams Capt Steven's Co. Died Dec. 8, 1840 age 88."


Name Memorial Number Comments
Elizabeth Kingsbury Ashley 79974023  
Samuel Ashley 129402617  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Anna Adams Aspinwall    
Asa Aspinwall 154429174  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Eunice Kingsbury Backus 82700906  
Jabez Backus 82700888  
Josiah Backus 132427382  
Love Kingsbury Backus 132427383  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Abigail Whitney Bacon 68290241 Inscription unreadable
Capt. Asa Bacon 67978946  
Asa Bacon, Jr. 127668341  
Lucretia Chamption Bacon 127668369  


Name Memorial Number Comments
John Baker, Jr. 51956787 "Mr John Baker died Feb 26 1815 in the 99th year of his age."
Marcy Cary Baker 51956880 "Mrs Marcy wife of Mr John Baker died March 23d 1814 in the 89th year of her age."


Name Memorial Number Comments
Elener Bennet 80726795  
Elizabeth Bennet 80726820  
Hannah Bennet 8726836  
Deacon Isaac Bennet 80726855  
Margaret Pain Bennet 80726866  
Sarah Cady Bennet 80726985  
William Bennet 206216229  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Dr William Blodgett 18417113 no photo


Name Memorial Number Comments
Andrew Burnam 80727662  
Jane Burnam 80727795  
Joseph Burnam 72433272  
Lucy Bennett Burnam 80727865  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Abigail KingsburyCary 10871997 "Mrs. Abigail Cary wife of Capt. James Cary who died Decr 18th AD 1807 in the 61 year of her age."
Ann B. Cary 55263345  
Asa Bacon Carey 230495446 Inscription on gravestone (photo): "Brigadier General / Asa Bacon Carey / U.S. Army / July 12, 1835 / April 4, 1912."
Benajah Cary 10872012 "Mr. Benajah Cary son of Capt. James Cary and Mrs. Abigail his wife who died Aug 24 AD 1808 in the 28 year of his age."
Lieut. Benajah Cary 144571483 "Here lies the body of Leut Benajah Cary who departed this life March [?] 1772 in the 54th year of his age."
Caroline Tarver Carey
52972122 Birth and death dates on her gravestone.
Caroline Tracy Cary 10872018 "Caroline wife of Sanford Cary died May 3 1861 age 71."
Deborah PerkinsCary 71000043 "Here lies ye body of Mrs. Deborah Cary wife to Leut Benajah Cary ... Dec 5 1772 in ye 58 year of her age."
COL Edward Colby "Ned" Carey 38822601 Inscription on gravestone (photo): "Col. E.C. Carey 1871–1948."
Hannah ThurstonCary 163482212 "... Mrs Hannah Cary wife to Mr John Cary she died June 5th 17l80 in ye 8[7?] year of her age."
James Cary 55263347 14 Aug 1861, photo difficult to read
Capt. James Cary 10872030 "Capt. James Cary who departed this life Feb 28, 1824 in the 77 year of his age."
Jerusha Downer Cary 163746299 "Mrs Jerusha Cary wife of Nathl Cary" "age 93 years"
John Cary 70955799 photo difficult to read
Deacon John Cary 70924244 "Decn John Carey died May 4th 1788 in ye 72 year of his age."
Nancy Cary 10872046 "Nancy daughter of Capt. James Cary died Mar. 3, 1789 in y 9th year of her age."
Capt. Nathaniel Cary 70995174 "Here lyes the body of Cap Nathl Cary departed this life Nov 22d 1776 in ye 46th year of his age"
Phebe Howard Cary 55263346 "Phebe Cary wife of James Cary Esq who died Mar 9 1845 aged 69 years."
Ruth Palmer Carey 49163652 Inscription on gravestone (photo): "George Henry Palmer Major 4th U.S. Infantry 1841–1901 / His wife Estelle Hoban 1844–1933 / daughter Ruth Palmer Carey 1872–1949."
Dr Samuel Cary 132711455 "Dr. Sa ... Ca ... "
Sanford Cary 10872056 "May 2 1852 Aged 68"


Name Memorial Number Comments
Laura Melinda Colby 142094772 Inscription on gravestone (photo): "Laura Melinda Colby / wife of Asa Bacon Carey / Feb 2 1846/Dec 14 1921"


Name Memorial Number Comments
BG Gerald Alford "Gerry" Counts 123162233  


Name Memorial Number Comments

Ann Cary Denison


Inscription is difficult to read

John Denison 37542250 Inscription is readable

Nathan Denison


Inscription is readable

Rebecca Wallis Denison 37542662  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Joshua Edgerton 36517374  
Ruth Kingsbury Edgerton 36517374  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Martha Fuller Farnam 99273440 No photo
Mary Fuller Farnam 99492751 Inscription is readable
William Farnam 99273595 Inscription is probably readable, but not in photo


Name Memorial Number Comments
Aaron Fuller 99492987 No photo

David Fuller


No photo

Dorcas Holt Fuller


Inscription is readable

Josiah Fuller


Inscription not readable

Olivia Moore Fuller


Inscription is readable

Mary Abbott Fuller 56931745 The lettering is gone from her gravestone
Sarah Griffin Fuller 100260032 Inscription is readable
Sarah Holt Fuller 99492971 No photo
Capt. Stephen Fuller, Jr. 56930193 Inscription is probably readable, but not in photo
Thomas Fuller 99492844 Inscription is readable


Name Memorial Number Comments
Chloe Howard Griffin 70148806 Inscription readable


Name Memorial Number Comments
LG Charles Edward Hart 52601948 Buried with his first two wives


Name Memorial Number Comments
Anson Howard 48979383  
Chauncey Howard 179615477 Inscription readable
Daniel Howard 38957461 Inscription readable
Daniel Howard 80746566 Death date hard to read
Eunice Churchill Howard 177102881 Inscription readable
John Howardd 72432671 Dates not readable in photo
Capt. John Howard 72431822 Inscription readable
John A. Howard 98211926 "John A. Howard born Nov. 24, 1810 died April 2, 1883 Adaline L. Glass his wife born Feb. 17, 1824 died Oct. 2, 1885."
Lucy Howard 72431575 Inscription readable
Lucy GeerHoward 85810920 Dates readable
Mary Martin Howard 80746743 Dates not readable in photo
Nancy McDonaldHoward 26600275 Death date readable
Olive PearlHoward 93323182  
Sarah Bennett Howard 95193668 Stone broken, death date and age readable
William Howard 26600199 Dates readable
William H. Howard 72952651 Gravestone damaged. A possibly later footsone says, "William H. Howard Captain Continental Line Revolutionary War 1822." There is a Revolutionary War marker.


Name Memorial Number Comments
Hannah Kingsbury Hyde 15016697  
Dea. Jacob Hyde 51182831  



Name Memorial Number Comments
Abigail Barstow Kingsbury 204747292  
Ama Kingsbury 41103269 Death age visible, clearly says "Ama"
Daniel Kingsbury 154176803  
Deliverance Squire Kingsbury 41102990 Death date difficult to make out in photo
Ebenezer Kingsbury 15423181  
Ebenezer Kingsbury 81019687 Death date and age clearly visible
Eleazer Kingsbury 22642594  
Ephraim Kingsbury 15660927 Inscription shown
Elizabeth Fitch Kingsbury 33230357 Death date not visible
Freelove Rust Kingsbury 28042653  
Hannah Denison Kingsbury 15660461  
Joseph Kingsbury 15660508  
Capt. Joseph Kingsbury 41103137 Death date clearly visible
Margaret Parish Kingsbury 81019952 Death date not visible
Martha Smith Kingsbury 50445431  
Nathaniel Kingsbury 15541339 newspaper clipping attached
Capt. Nathaniel Kingsbury 45290744  
Priscilla Kingsbury 15423708  
Ruth Denison Kingsbury 15660461  
Sanford Kingsbery 33230330 Death date not visible
Sarah Hill Kingsbury 15541525  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Eloner Howard Kingsley 931836696 Death date readable


Name Memorial Number Comments
Bethiah Brewster Parish Morgan    
Samuel Morgan 71010901  



Name Memorial Number Comments
Abigail Cary Morse 79120150 Death date readable in photograph
Harvey Morse 92577785 Death date not readable in photograph
Parker Morse 79120261 Death date readable in photograph
Sarah “Sally” Cary Morse 72184642 Death date readable in photograph
Dr. Thomas Morse 45180859 Death date not readable in photograph


Name Memorial Number Comments
Abigail Bacon Paine 59355763 Inscription not readable
Lydia Snow Paine 59355959 Inscription not readable
Deacon Walter Paine 59355540 Inscription not readable


Name Memorial Number Comments
Lora Howard Parks 147126389 "Elias Parkes 1778–1828 Lora Howard wife 1782–1813 Sally Corp 2nd wife 1794–1849."


Name Memorial Number Comments
Laura Carey Sibert 50919298 Inscription of gravestone (photo): "Sibert / Wife of Edwin / Laura / 1898–1991"


Name Memorial Number Comments

Deliverance Squire



Name Memorial Number Comments
Eunice Bennett Smith 80752888  
Solomon Smith 80753188  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Hannah Bennett Tracy 62175108  
Jesse Tracy 62175120  


Name Memorial Number Comments
Tabitha Kingsbury Waldo 59136164  
Zacheus Waldo 70993670  


Name Memorial Numer Comments
Edith Colby Carey Walker 142048320 Inscription on gravestone (photo): "Edith Carey / Walker / Nov 4, 1878 / Feb 19, 1964"
BG Meriwether Lewis Walker 142047921 Inscription on gravestone (photo): "Brigadier General / Meriwether Lewis / Walker / September 10, 1869 / July 29, 1947"


Name Memorial Number Comments
Enos Woodward 36040714  
Mary Bennett Woodward 36040222  

April 6, 2022