Bacon Ancestry

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typically a small piece of land surrounded by a wall or fence or hedge

curtilage enclosed land around a house or building
mark a unit of account worth thirteen shillings and four pence
messuage a dwelling house with adjoining buildings and land
seize to put someone in legal ownership of property
tenement an interest in land which may be dependent on the tenant rendering services
yeoman usually a man of lower status than a gentleman who cultivates his own land

The English places mentioned here are in county Suffolk.

JOHN BACON (d. 1450/1) of Helmingham

John Bacon died between 14 Aug 1450 and 29 Jul 1451. He married Anne Unknown. She died after 1450.

On 26 September 1439 John Bacon witnessed a transfer of lands and tenements in Helmingham, Otley, Ashboking and Gosbeck. [1, HD/1538/253/82] On 4 May 1443, John Martyn, Sr. of Helmingham and Thomas Martyn, his son, transfered land in Helmingham to John Bacon of Helmingham and others. [1, HD/1538/253/85]

John Bacon of Helmingham signed his will on 14 August 1450; it was proved on 29 July 1451. He asked to be buried in the churchyard in Helmingham. He left his wife Anne all his chattels and household utensils except for a cauldron and a trivet. He left his daughter Anne two cows, six ewes and eight marks of silver. He left his son William his messuage in Helmingham with its appurtenances. He left William Martyn a messuage in Assch and six sheep each to two servants. He named William Bacon of Helmingham and William Martyn of Assch his executors. [2]

Generation 2

WILLIAM BACON (d. prob. 1492) of Helmingham

William Bacon, the son of John and Anne Bacon, probably died shortly before 4 April 1492. He married Isabel Unknown. She died after 1492.

William Bacon witnessed a transfer of land in Helmingham on 4 December 1461. [1, HD/1538/253/104] William Joce, Esq. of Helmingham transferred a piece of pasture with dykes and trees in Helmingham to William and his wife Isabel on 10 February 1463. [1, HD/1538/253/108] William and others sold a close called Harysclos in Helmingham on 27 September 1467. [1, HD/1538/253/111] William and John Bette senior bought this close back on 4 October 1467. [1, HD/1538/253/112] William and others sold piece of land called Costynes in Helmingham on 7 February 1468. [1, HD/1538/253/114] William and others sold a tenement in Helmingham called Pappes, with gardens and adjoining land, on 29 July 1471 to Thomas Bacon of Helmingham and others. [1, HD/1538/253/116] On 10 February 1481 William Bacon of Helmingham and others bought a curtilage in Helmingham and Thomas Bacon of Helmingham was one of the attorneys to deliver seisen. [1, HD/1538/253/121] On 15 February 1481, William and others bought two pieces of arable land called Reyfeld in Helmingham. [1, HD/1538/253/122]

In his will, proved on 4 April 1492 at the manor at Teryling, William Bacon of Helmingham asked to be buried in the churchyard of St. Mary in Helmingham. He left his wife Isabel all of his provisions and households utensils, eight cows "of the best sort", a bay horse and all of the grain growing on his land until next Michaelmas. He also left Isabel for life all of the messuages, lands and tenements in Helmingham that he was given by John Martyn junior; a messuage with an adjacent garden measuring about one and a half acre in Helmingham called Blomys; a half-acre meadow with its appurtenances in Helmingham; an acre of land called Dunnesacre in Helmingham; Jotyspyghtell, Awfys, Julkenys and Skoldynges and their appurtenance in Helmingham. After Isabel's death, his son Robert was to have the land from John Martyn except for a piece to be given to John Bettes and another piece called Jotysland to be given to Thomas in return for Thomas paying Robert twenty shillings. Robert was also to have Blomys in return for his paying William's estate three pounds. Thomas was to have Jotyspyghtell, Awfys, Julkenys and Skoldynge and their appurtenances. Thomas and Geoffery Style of Ashbocking were his executors. [2]

Children of William Bacon and Isabel Unknown:

i. Thomas Bacon was born in 1475.

ii. Robert Bacon died after 1492.

Generation 3

THOMAS BACON (1475–1534/5) of Helmingham

Thomas Bacon was born in 1475. [3] He died between 31 July 1534 and 28 February 1535. He married Joane Unknown. [3] She died between 30 July and 12 December 1540.

William Bacon and others sold a tenement in Helmingham called Pappes, with gardens and adjoining land on 29 July 1471 to Thomas Bacon of Helmingham and others. [1, HD/1538/253/116] On 10 February 1481, William Bacon of Helmingham and others bought a curtilage in Helmingham and Thomas Bacon of Helmingham was one of the attorneys to deliver seisen. [1, HD/1538/253/121] Thomas Bacon of Helmingham and others sold a messuage  in Helmingham on 20 June 1502. [1, HD/1538/253/138] Thomas Bacon, Sr. and others bought land and tenements in Helmingham on 12 February 1506. [1, HD/1538/253/140]

Thomas of Helmingham made his will on the last of July 1534; it was proved on 28 February 1535. He had lands in Helmingham, Otley, Winston, and Pettaugh. He mentions his son John, his wife Johan, his son Thomas, his youngest daughter Elizabeth and his son John. He added a clause that if his son Thomas tried to claim any land that was left to John or Elizabeth, then all land left to Thomas should be sold and the proceeds given to charity. He left property known as Jolyspighttyll [that he inherited from his father] to Elizabeth. [4, p. 12-13]

Joane signed her will on 30 July 1540; it was proved on 12 December 1540. She mentions her daughters Elizabeth Bacon and Anne Dow. [4, p. 14] Perhaps Anne is a married daughter or a daughter from a previous marriage.

Children of Thomas Bacon and Joane Unknown:

i. Thomas Bacon died between 21 October 1556, when he signed his will, and 16 December 1557, when it was proved. [4, p. 14] He mentions his wife Agnes. [4, p. 14] Agnes died in 1580. She signed her will on 18 Jan 1579/80. [4, p. 14] It was proved on 18 January 1579/80. [5]

In his will Thomas mentions his wife Agnes; his sons Richard and Thomas, both under 30; his unmarried daughters Elizabeth and Edith, both under 30. In her will Agnes mentions her sons Richard and Thomas; her daughters Elizabeth and Joan Wade. [5]

ii. John Bacon was born about 1505.

iii. Elizabeth Bacon died after 30 July 1540.

Generation 4

JOHN BACON (c. 1505–1557/8) of Helmingham

John, the son of Thomas and Joane Bacon, was born about 1505. [3][4, p. 14] He died between 7 September 1557 and 19 March 1557/8. He married Margaret Unknown. [4, p. 14] Margaret died after 7 September 1557 and by 1574, when William disposed of Ashbocking in his will.

His father left him land Winston and Pettaugh after Joane's death and a tenement called Ryste in Helmingham and enclosed lands called Goldsmyth in Otley. [4, p. 13]

John Bacon of Helmingham signed his will on 7 September 1557; it was proved on 19 March 1557/[8]. He asked to be buried in the churchyard at Helmingham. He left the property that he had inherited from his father to his wife Margaret, and after her decease, to his sons. His tenements, land and a meadow called Roseland in Winston and Pettaugh were to go to Michael. The tenement that he called Rystheblemys and the land belonging to it were to go to his eldest son William. His land in Otley was to go to his son Thomas. He also left a meadow in Ashbocking to his wife and, after her decease, to his youngest son William. He left Richard, Thomas, Barbara, and Rose each twenty pounds when they reached the age of 21. He left the bringing up of his underage children to Margaret and his son Michael. [4, p. 15]

Children of John Bacon and (perhaps) Margaret Unknown:

i. William Bacon died in 1610. [4, p. 16] He was of Coddington. [4, p. 16] His will mentions his daughter Rose, the wife of John Ballet, and his underage granddaughter Rose Ballet; his brother Richard's son Michael; his brother Michael's son William; his brother Thomas's children Michael and Susan; [his first cousin] Joan Wade the daughter of [his uncle] Thomas Bacon of Helmingham. [4, p. 16]

ii. Michael Bacon was born about 1535.

iii. Thomas Bacon was born after 1536. He died after 1574, when he is mentioned in his brother (the younger) William's will. He married Mary Ebinger in 1572 at Winston. [5]

Thomas had children Michael, Susan and Margaret (born in 1573). [5]

iv. Richard Bacon was born after 1536. He died after 1574, when he is mentioned in his brother (the younger) William's will.

Richard had a son Michael.

v. William Bacon was born after 1536. He died on 13 October 1574, unmarried. [4, p. 16]

His will, proved on 6 Dec 1574, names his brothers Michael and William executors. He left Michael the meadow plot in Ashbocking that he received in his father's will. He asked Michael to pay legacies to his brothers Thomas, William, Richard and his sister Rose. [4, p. 16]

vi. Barbara Bacon was born after 1536. She died after 7 September 1557, when she was mentioned in her father's will, and probably before 1574, when her brother (the younger) William did not mention her in his will.

vii. Rose Bacon was born after 1536. She died after 1574, when she is mentioned in her brother (the younger) William's will.

Generation 5

MICHAEL BACON (c. 1535–1615) of Winston

Michael Bacon was born about 1535. He was buried on 25 March 1615. He married first Elizabeth Wylie on 16 August 1565 in Helmingham. [4, p. 16] She died before 20 September 1607. Michael and Elizabeth were baptized as adults on 31 May 1566, along with their eldest son. [4, p. 17] Michael married second Grace Blowerses on 20 September 1607 in Winston. [3 says that she was a widow][4, p. 17]

His father left him tenements, land and pasture called Rosland in Winston and Pettaugh. [4, p. 15]

Michael, yeoman of Winston, signed his will on 24 October 1614. In this rambling document, he threatens his wife and children with the loss of all or part of their inheritance if they flout his instructions and he expresses his concern for his apparently orphan granddaughter. He names his wife Grace; his son Thomas; his apparently deceased daughter Elizabeth and her daughter Katherine; his son John and his children John, Michael and Elizabeth; his son Michael; his son William; his daughter Sarah, the wife of Daniel York. He left his son Michael his land and tenements in Winston, his best featherbed bolster and covering and—importantly for genealogists—A pott Tipped with silver Six silver spoons marked with M and B. He asks his son Michael to maintain and raise Katherine and his son John to be his executor. [4, p. 17-24] His will was proved by his eldest son John on 20 April 1615. [4, p. 17]

Children of Michael Bacon and Elizabeth Wylie:

i. John Bacon was baptized on 31 May 1566. [4, p. 17] He died after 20 April 1615, when he proved his father's will. He had children named John, Michael and Elizabeth.

ii. William Bacon is mentioned in the will of his uncle William (the elder). [4, p. 16]

It has been suggested that the William who went to New England and settled in Salem in 1640 was Michael's brother, but there is no proof of this. [4, p. 16][5][6] This William died in Salem in 1653. [4, p. 16][5] He married Rebecca Potter. [6] Rebecca was the daughter of Thomas and Ann (Fenn) Potter. [6] She was baptized on 6 April 1610 in the Holy Trinity church in Coventry, Warwickshire, England. [6] She died after 23 March 1654/5, when she wrote her will. [6]

According to a 16 July 1695 deposition by Thomas Lovell, William and Rebecca of Salem had lived in Dublin and Rebecca's father Thomas Potter had been the mayor of Coventry. [6]

iii. Thomas Bacon was living on 24 Oct 1614.

iv. Michael Bacon was baptized on 6 December 1579 in Winston.

v. Elizabeth Bacon was baptized on 3 September 1584. [4, p. 17] She and her husband died before 24 Oct 1614, when Elizabeth's father wrote his will. They left a daughter named Katherine.

vi. Sarah Bacon was living on 24 October 1614. She married Daniel York. [4, p. 17-24]


1. The Iveagh (Phillipps) Suffolk Manuscripts, Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch. The National Archive,

2. Transcriptions of William Bacon's will and John Bacon's will, translated from Latin, were posted by Kathy Kuhnle on 1 May 2009 on Public Member Stories [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006.

3. Eliza Buckingham Bacon, "Michael Bacon of Dedham: His Probable Ancestry," Notes and Queries Section, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 57, 1903, 329.

4. Thomas Williams Baldwin, Bacon Genealogy: Michael Bacon of Dedham, 1640 and His Descendants (Cambridge, MA, n.p., 1915.)

5. J. Gardner Bartlett, "Bacon Family of Helmingham and Winston County, Suffolk, England and Dedham and Salem, Mass.," Notes section, New England Historical and Genealogical Register 90 (1936): 300.

6. John C. Brandon and Jane Ireland Delorey, "The Puzzling Will of Rebecca Bacon," The American Genealogist 73 (1998): 23–32.
