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Several early families in Scituate came from the village of Tenterden, county Kent, and they emigrated on the Hercules in 1635. Among them was Tenterden's former mayor, Nathaniel Tilden, his wife Lydia and their children Joseph, Thomas, Stephen, Mary, Sarah, Judith and Lydia. Nathaniel was a part owner of the Hercules and the finances of the trip may be the reason that he sued Comfort Starr for damages of 100 pounds on 3 January 1636/7—a suit that was later settled. [SCT]

Mr. Tilden was fined ten shillings for summoning Henry Ewell to the 7 June 1637 court and not entering a charge. [RPCL] Nathaniel Tilden of Scituate was fined for keeping swine unringed and for denying a land way at the 4 September 1638 court. [RPCZ]

On 26 February 1673 the town ordered 19 acres purchased from John Whitcomb to be laid out for Nathaniel Tilden. [SCT]

Nathaniel Tilden's house in Scituate had two stories and seven rooms: the hall, the inner room, the hall chamber, the inner chamber and servants' chambers. [SCT]

Children of Elder Nathaniel Tilden and Lydia Huckstep:

i. Joseph Tilden

On 6 March 1654/5 Joseph Tilden of Scituate was fined for taking a false oath about receiving barley from John Ramsden. [PC02]

ii. Thomas Tilden

Thomas was on the grand inquiry jury on 7 June 1653. [PC01]

iii. Stephen Tilden

iv. Mary Tilden married Thomas Lapham on 13 March 1636/7 in Scituate. [SCT]

Mary and her sister Sarah married the same day to two men who had come to New England on the Hercules as servants of Nathaniel Tilden. [SCT]

v. Sarah Tilden married George Sutton on 13 March 1636/7 in Scituate [SCT]

vi. Judith Tilden

vii. Lydia Tilden married Richard Garrett.


SCT. Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, The Seventeenth-Century Town Records of Scituate, Massachusetts, 3 vols. (Boston: New England Historical Genealogical Society, 1997, 1999, 2001), vol. 1: 17, 20–21, 60.

RPCL. Nathaniel Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth: Court Orders, vols. 1–3 (Boston, William White, 1855), vol. 1: 60–62.

RPCZ. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth vol. 1: 96–98.

PC01. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth vol. 3: 32.

PC02. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth vol. 3: 69.

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