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John Paybody was on a 7 March 1636/7 list of freemen in Plymouth. [RPCK]

John was granted ten acres on the Duxbury side on 1 January 1637/8. [RPCN]

The 2 January 1637/8 court sentenced Thomas Shaw to be severely whipped and branded on the shoulder for stealing 15 shillings; his accomplice was sentenced to be whipped. John served on the two juries that found Thomas and his accomplice to be guilty. [RPCO]

Arthur Peach, Thomas Jackson, Richard Stinnings and Daniel Cross were indicted for murdering and robbing an Indian. Daniel Cross fled, but John was on the jury at the 4 September 1638 court that found the others guilty. They were sentenced to death and hanged. [RPCZ]

John was on a grand inquest jury on 4 June 1639. [PC10]

John of Duxbury, along with many others, was fined on 4 June 1645. [PC02]

Children of John Paybody:

i. Francis Peabody married Lydia Unknown.

ii. William Paybody married Elizabeth Alden on 26 December 1644. [PC01]

William was appointed to the grand inquest jury on 7 June 1648. [PC03] He was prounded to be a freeman and appointed receiver of the excise in Duxbury on 4 June 1650. [PC04] He was a freeman on 5 June 1651. On 6 March 1654/5. [PC05] He was on a petty jury that determined that Robert Latham was guilty of manslaughter murder of his 14-year-old servant. [PC06] He was chosen deputy for Duxbury on 8 June 1655. [PC07]


RPCK. Nathaniel Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth: Court Orders, vols. 1–2, 1633–1644 (Boston, William White, 1855),, vol. 1, 1633–1644, 52–54.

RPCN. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 72.

RPCO. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 74–75.

RPCZ. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 96–98.

PC10. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 1 126–7.

PC01. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 79.

PC02. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 87.

PC03. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 124.

PC04. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 154–5.

PC05. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 167.

PC06. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 73.

PC06. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 79.

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