William was on a 2 January 7 Charles [1631/2] tax list in Plymouth. [RPC3] He was a freeman in Plymouth in 1633. [RPC0] He was on a 24 March 1633/4 Plymouth tax list. [RPC1]

William was given land at the end of his land in a land distribution on 14 March 1635. [RPCI]

William was on a committee to approve those who wished to settle on the Duxbury side on 4 June 1638. [RPCT] William and Jonathan Brewster were appointed to view and lay out land on 7 January 1638/9 and on 6 April 1640. He was appointed to lay out land on 4 March 1638/9. [PCO6]

William was on a grand inquest jury on 5 June 1638 and on 6 June 1654. [RPCV]

William Bassett of Duxbury was granted 100 acres of upland with meadow between Comfort Starr's land and the Beaver Ponds on 6 April 1640. [PC14]

William was a representative for Duxbury on 2 June 1640, 27 September 1642, 6 June 1643, 29 August 1643, 5 March 1643/4 and 7 June 1648. [PC18] He was a constable for Duxbury on 3 June 1652. [PC01]

He was on a jury appointed on 20 June 1654 to lay out a highway from Plymouth to Sandwich. [PC21]

William Bassett, Sr. of Duxbury was presented to the court on 4 October 1648 for not mending guns quickly enough and was fined five shillings on 6 March 1648/9. [PC19] He was presented on 9 June 1653 for neglecting an order not to take provisions out of the colony. [PC20]

Children of William Bassett and Elizabeth Unknown:

i. Nathaniel Bassett married Dorcas Joyce.

ii. William Bassett

William Bassett, Jr. is listed with those desiring to become freemen on 8 June 1655. [PC22]

iii. Ruth Bassett (?)

Ruth Bassett and John Sprague were presented to the 8 June 1655 court for fornication before marriage. They paid a fine. [PC23]



RPC3. Nathaniel Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth: Court Orders, vols. 1–3 (Boston, William White, 1855), vol. 1: 9–11.

RPC0. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 3–4.

RPC1. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 27–29.

RPCI. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 40–41.

RPCT. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 84.

RPCV. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 86–87; vol. 3: 49.

PCO6. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 108–9, 114–6, 144.

PC14. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 144.

PC18. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 154–6, vol. 2: 46, 57, 60, 68, 123.

PC19. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 137.

PC01. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 8.

PC20. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 36.

PC21. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 61.

PC22. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 78.

PC23. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 82.

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