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EDWARD BANGS (c. 1591–1677/8)


Edward Bangs was probably born about 1591. He is possibly the Edward Bangs, son of John and Jane (Chavis) Bangs, who was baptized on 28 October 1491 in Panfield, Essex, England. [EAS0][GMB0] He died beween 19 October 1677 and 5 March 1677/8. He married first (or possibly there was an earlier wife) Lydia Hicks, the daughter of Robert and Margaret Hicks, after 1627. [EAS0] Lydia was baptized on 6 September 1612 in St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surry. [GMB0] He married second Rebecca Unknown. [EAS0]

Rebecca was possibly Rebecca Hobart. [EAS0]

Edward was on a 2 January 7 Charles [1631/2] tax list in Plymouth. [RPC3] He was a freeman in Plymouth in 1633. [RPC0] He was on a 24 March 1633/4 Plymouth tax list. [RPC1] He was on a 7 March 1636/7 list of freemen in Plymouth. [RPCK]

He was on a jury at the 4/5 October 1636 Plymouth court. [RPCD] He was on a grand jury on 7 March 1636/7 and 1 March 1641/2. [RPCK] He was on a grand inquest jury on 5 June 1638, 2 June 1640 and 3 June 1652. [RPCV] He was on a jury to lay out disputed highways and set disputed boundaries on 1 February 1640/1. [PC02]

He was on a committee to divide the meadow land in the bay on 1 July 1633. [RPC4] He was on a committee to lay out highways on 1 October 1634. [PRC8] He was on a committee to view the hay ground between Eel River and the town of Plymouth on 20 March 1636/7. [RPCE] He was on a committee to agree upon a division of lands between Eel River and South River on 2 October 1637. [RPCM]

Edward was granted 80 acres of upland about Warrens Wells on 7 September 1641. He later decided that he preferred something closer to his home and was allowed to look for some land to exchange it for. [PC01]

An undated deed says, "A declaration of the Right and Interest of sundry persons, sometimes members of the Church of Plymouth have; to a tract ofland of Township lying in the betome of Cape Codd being comonly called Nausett, Now Eastham, both by an acte of Court and also by purchse from the Natives, the Names of the persons are these, Mr. Thomas Prence, Mr. John Dowe, Nicholas Snow, Josias Cooke, Richard Higgens, John Smalley, Edward Bangs &c:" [DV30]

Edward was a supervisor of highways in Eastham (at first Nauset) on 1 June 1647, 4 June 1650 and 5 June 1651. [PC01] He was on a jury appointed on 20 June 1654 to lay out a highway from Plymouth to Sandwich. [PC21]

In 1652 Edward was a deputy for Eastham. [EAS0] He was licensed to sell wine and strong waters in Eastham in 1657. [EAS0]

Edward wrote made his will on 19 October 1677. He said that he was 86. He mentioned his sons Jonathan, John and Joshua; his daughters Howe, Higgens, Hall, Merrick and Atwood; his deceased daughter Rebecca. [EAS0]

Children of Edward Bangs and Lydia Hicks:

i. John Bangs was born say 1634. [GMB0] He married Hannah Smalley on 23 January 1630/1.

Children of Edward Bangs and Rebecca Unknown:

ii. Rebecca Bangs was born say 1636. She married Jonathan Sparrow.

iii. Sarah Bangs was born 1638. [GMB0] She married Thomas Howes, Jr. about 1657. [EAS0][GMB0]

iv. Jonathan Bangs was born say 1640. [GMB0] He married first Mary Mayo on 16 July 1664 in Eastham. [GMB0] He married second Sarah Unknown by 1719. [GMB0] He married third Ruth (Cole) Young, the daughter of Daniel Cole and the widow of John Young, after 23 July 1720 in Eastham. [GMB0]

v. Lydia Bangs was born say 1642. [GMB0] She married Benjamin Higgens on 24 December 1661 in Eastham. [GMB0]

v. Hannah Bangs was born say 1644. [GMB0] She married John Doane on 30 April 1662 in Eastham. [GMB0]

vi. Joshua Bangs was born say 1646. [GMB0] He married Hannah Scudder on 1 December 1669 in Eastham. [GMB0]

Joshua Bangs made his will in 1706 and it was probated on 7 February 1710. He names his eight sisters, including Apphia Atwood. [NENS0]

vii. Bethiah Bangs was born on 28 May 1650 in Eastham. [GMB0] She married Reverend Gershom Hall in 1669. [EAS0][GMB0]

viii. Mercy Bangs (twin) was born on 15 October 1651 in Eastham. [GMB0] She married Stephen Merrick on 28 December 1670 in Eastham. [GMB0]

ix. Apphia Bangs (twin) was born on 15 October 1651 in Eastham. She married first John Knowles. She married second Stephen Atwood. [Entries for Apphia on both of her husbands' pages.]


EAS0. Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History & People 1620–1691 (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1986), 238–9.

GMB0. "Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620–1633, Volumes I–III," digitized books, AmericanAncestors, 86–89.

DV30. "Massachusetts: Plymouth Colony Deeds, 1671–1673," digitized book, deeds, volume 3, part 2, p. 123.

RPC3. Nathaniel Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth: Court Orders, vols. 1–3 (Boston, William White, 1855), 9–11.

RPC0. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 3–4.

RPC1. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 27–29.

RPC4. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 14.

RPC8. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 31.

RPCD. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 44.

RPCK. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 52–54, vol. 2, 1633–1644, 34.

RPCE. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 55–57.

RPCM. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 68.

RPCV. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1: 86–87, 154–6; vol. 3: 9.

PC01. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 25, 48.

PC02. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 7.

PC03. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 115, 155, 168.

PC21. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 3: 61.

NENS0. New Englanders in Nova Scotia, manuscript, R. Stanton Avery Special Collections, New England Historic and Genealogical Society, online database, American Ancestors, 8–9.

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