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Thomas Pratt, shearman of Aston Clintom made his will on 29 September 1616; it was proved on 10 October 1616. He mentioned his wife (but did not name her); his daughters Priscilla and Elizabeth Pratt; his son Macute Pratt. He made Macute his executor. [3]

Matthew was probably the son of Thomas Pratt of Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. Matthew Pratt died on 29 August 1672 in Weymouth. [1, 500][2] He married Elizabeth Kingham on 9 November 1619 in Aston Clinton. [3]

Nicholson argues that Matthew's name actually Macuth. [3] This led to his discovery of Matthew's likely marriage record and the baptisms of his children.

Matthew was made a freeman on 13 May 1640. [1, 500] He was chosen a selectman in Weymouth in February 1648. [1, 500]

Matthew made his will on 25 March 1672; it was proved on 30 April 1673. He left his wife Elizabeth the use of his estate for life. He left bequests to his sons Thomas, Matthew, John, Samuel, and Joseph Pratt; his daughter Chard and her daughter Johannah Chard, his daughter White, his son Thomas's children Sarah and William. He named his wife his executrix and his pastor Mr. Samuel Torrey, kinsman Elder William Bates, and his son Thomas Pratt his overseers. Inventory was taken on 12 December 1672. His estate papers give his death date. [1, 500]

Children of Matthew and Elizabeth Pratt:

i. Mary Pratt was baptized on 22 October 1620 in Aston Clinton. [3]

Delorey and Smith argue this Mary died young and his daughter White was a later, unrecorded daughter named Mary. [4]

ii. Thomas Pratt was baptized on 2 March 1622/3 in Aston Clinton. [3] He was killed by the Indians on 19 April 1676 between Sudbury and Marlborough. [1, 501] He married first Mary ___. [1, 501] He married second Lydia ___. She married subsequently Josiah Chapin of Braintree on 26 September 1676. [1, 501]

iii. William Pratt was baptized on 13 November 1625 in Aston Clinton. [3]

iv. Matthew Pratt was baptized on 7 June 1629 in Aston Clinton. He died on 12 January 1712/3 in Weymouth. He married Sarah Hunt.

v. Elizabeth Pratt was baptized on 12 February 1631/2 in Aston Clinton. [3] She died on 26 February 1726. [1, 501] She married William Chard of Weymouth on 22 November 1656. [1, 501]

vi. Lieutenant John Pratt was baptized on 24 August 1634 in Aston Clinton. [3] He died on 3 October 1716 in Weymouth. [1, 502] He married Mary Whitman on 22 November 1656 in Weymouth. [1, 502] Mary, the daughter of Ensign John and Ruth Whitman of Weymouth, was probably born about 1634 in England and died on 10 July 1716 in Weymouth. [1, 502]

John Pratt, husbandman of Weymouth, made his will on 12 July 1714; it was proved on 19 November 1716. He mentioned his wife Mary; his servants Ruth Pratt and Silence Critchfield; is kinsman John Gurney; his nephews John Pratt of Weymouth, Deacon Thomas Pratt of the North Purchase, Ebenezer Pratt of Weymouth, his kinswoman Mary Dyer and her husband William Dyer. [1, 502–3]

vii. Samuel Pratt was baptized on 22 January 1636/7 in Aston Clinton. [3] He died between 12 April and 16 October 1679. He married Hannah Rogers on 19 September 1660 in Weymouth. [1, 503] Hannah, the daughter of Deacon John Rogers died on 16 October 1715 in Weymouth. [1, 503]

Samuel Pratt made his will on 12 April 1679; it was proved on 16 October 1679. He mentioned his wife Hannah; his sons John, Samuel, and Ebenezer; "All the rest of his children." [1, 503]

viii. Joseph Pratt was born on 10 August 1637 in Weymouth. [1, 501] He died there on 24 December 1720. [1, 503] He married Sarah Judkins on 7 May 1662 in Weymouth. [1, 503] Sarah, probably the daughter of Job and Sarah Judkins of Boston, born in Boston on 7 December 1645, died a widow on 14 January 1726 in Weymouth. [1, 503]

Joseph Pratt, husbandman of Weymouth, made his will on 5 March 1718/9; it was proved on 10 February 1720/1. He mentioned his wife Sarah; his sons Joseph, John, William, and Ephraim Pratt; his son-in-law Aaron Pratt; the children of his deceased daughter Sarah Pratt (wife of Aaron); his daughters Experience Battle and and Hannah Hines. [1, 503–4]

ix. Mary Pratt married Thomas White of Weymouth. [4] Thomas was born about 1644. [4]


1. History of Weymouth, Massachusetts. Weymouth, Mass., vol. 4 (Weymouth: Weymouth Historical Society, 1923).

2. Robert Charles Anderson, "Ancestry of President Calvin Coolidge," The American Genealogist 53 (1977): 65–74, 160–167.

3. Frederick J. Nicholson, "The English Origin of Macuth (or Matthew) Pratt and Edward Bates of Weymouth, Mass.," The American Genealogist 65 (1990): 33–43.

4. Janet Ireland Delorey and Dean Crawford Smith, "Mary (Pratt) White of Weymouth, Massachusetts," The American Genealogist 68 (1993): 29–31.

Last revised: 11-Dec-2023