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ANNE LINTON (d. 1680), daughter of RICHARD LINTON

Lawrence Waters died on 9 December 1687, age about 83, in Charlestown. [MVRL][ERLM]

Ann Waters, the wife of Lawrence, died on 6 February 1680 in Charlestown. [MVRL]

Lawrence was a carpenter in Watertown. [ERLM]

Lawerence had one of the earliest houses in Lancaster. He sold it to John Hall before 1650 and built another one near by. [ERLM]

Lawrence Waters was one of the early signers of the articles of agreement of Lancaster on 15 (1) 1653. [ERLM] The town listed estates in 1654 for purposes of dividing land and they ranged from about 78 pounds for Henry Kerley to about 380 pounds for John White. Lawrence's estate amounted to about 277 pounds. [ERLM] He received about 11 acres in the 1654 division of meadow. [ERLM] He is on on 9 (1) 1654 list of townsmen. [ERLM] On 8 September 1657 the town officials ordered the selectman to lay out to Goodman Lawrence Waters "what he yett wanteth of his just accomodacions." [ERLM] Lawrence received a lot in the 3 February 1659 division of meadowland. [ERLM] In October 1662 the county court released Lawrence from all military training upon payment five shillings. [ERLM] He was a freeman in 1663. [ERLM]

After the Indian massacre of 1676, Lawrence, his wife and his son Samuel and Samuel's family sought refuge in Charlestown, where his son Stephen took responsibility for them to the authorities. [ERLM]

On 12 October 1676 Lawrence requested payments due him from the county, saying that he was "aged and blind." [ERLM]

Anne Waters received ten acres of land in Lancaster from her father in trust for her son Joseph. [ERLM]

Children of Lawrence Waters and Anne Linton: Births recorded in Lancaster. [MVRL]

i. Lawrence Waters was born on 14 February 1635 in Watertown. [ERLM]

Lawrence Waters was taxed in Lancaster on 28 May 1684. [ERLM]

ii. Sarah Waters was born on 7 December 1636 in Watertown. [ERLM] Sarah, the daughter of Lawrence, married John Skeath. [ERLM]

Sarah deposed that she was about 20 years old on 27 (11) 1656 in Lancaster. [ERLM]

John Skeath was a cordwainer of Boston. In connection with his brothr-in-law, Stephen Water, he owned land in Lancaster. [ERLM] The John Scates who was killed in the 11 September 1697 Indian massacre in Lancaster may have been his son. [ERLM]

iii. Mary Waters was born on 27 January 1638 in Watertown. [ERLM] She married Samuel Davis in 1656 in Lancaster. [ERLM]

iv. Rebecca Waters was born in February 1640 in Watertown. She married Josiah Whitcomb.

v. Daniel Waters was born on 6 February 1642 in Watertown. [ERLM]

vi. Stephen Waters was born on 24 January 1643 in Watertown. [ERLM]

Stephen was taxed in Lancaster on 28 May 1684. [ERLM]

vi. Adam Waters was born perhaps in 1645. [MVRL]

viii. Joseph Waters was born on 29 (2) 1647 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

Joseph returned to Lancaster in 1679 and lived on some of his father's and grandfather's lands. [ERLM]

ix. Jacob Waters (twin) was born on 1 (1) 1649 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

x. Rachel Waters (twin) was born on 1 (1) 1649 in Lancaster. [MVRL] She died on 31 (1) 1649 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

xi Samuel Waters was born on 14 (11) 1651 in Lancaster. [MVRL].

xii. Johanna Waters was born on 26 (1) 1653 in Lancaster. [MVRL] She died on 21 (2) 1654 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

xiii. Ephraim Waters was born on 27 (11) 1655 in Lancaster. [MVRL] He died on 17 (4) 1659 in Lancaster. [MVRL]



MVRL. Nourse, Henry S., Birth, Marriage and Death Register, Church Records and Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1850 (Clinton, MA, W. J. Coulter, Printer, 1890), 10 (births of the children), 12 (deaths of Rachel, Johanna and Ephraim), 20 (Ann's and Lawrence's deaths), 452 (Adam's birth: "from sundry sources supposed reliable").

ERLM. Henry S. Nourse, The Earliest Records of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1725 (Lancaster: J. Coulter, 1884), 35 (covenant), 33–40 (land divisions), 41 (1654 list of townsmen), 47 (Sarah's deposition), 52 (grant of land), 72 (division of meadowland), 74 (military training), 118 (aged and blind), 122 (Lawrence and Stephen taxed), 133–5 (John Skeath), 149 (marriage of Mary). 252 (Anne's land), 260–1 (births of children on Charlestown, death of Adam, sale of first house in Lancaster, freeman, move to Charlestown, Joseph in Lancaster).

Last revised: 16-May-2021