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Isaac Howland, the son of John, died on 9 March 1723/4 in Middleboro, age 74. [GEB0] He is buried in the old cemetery at "The Green" in Middleborough. [GEB0] He married Elizabeth, the daughter of George Vaughan. [GEB0]

Elizabeth Vaughan, the daughter of George Vaughan, was born on 8 April 1653 in Marshfield. [VRMM] Elizabeth, the child of George and Elizabeth Vaughan, was baptized on 31 May 1657 in Scituate. [VRMS] She died on 29 October 1727, age 75, in Middleboro. [GEB0] She is buried in the old cemetery at at "The Green." [BBF]

Isaac Howland, Sr., of Middleboro made his will on 1717/8. He named his wife Elizabeth, his sons Seth, Isaac and Nathan, and his daughters Priscilla Bennett, Jael Southworth, Susannah Wood, and Hannah Tinkham. He named his son Seth his executor. Witnesses testified on 6 April 1724 and the will was proved on 1 June 1724. An untotalled inventory was presented by John Bennett, William Thomas and Ebenzer Sprout on 17 September 1724. [IHW]

Elizabeth Howland of Middleboro, relict of Isaac Howland, Sr., made her will on 13 October 1725. She mentioned her children Nathan, Seth, Priscilla Bennett, Jael Southworth and Hannah Tinkham. Witnesses were summoned on 15 December 1727; the will was allowed and letters of administration were granted to her son and executor Nathan Howland the next day. [GEB0]

Children of Isaac Howland and Elizabeth Vaughan. Births recorded in Middleborough. [MVRM]

i. Seth Howland was born on 28 November 1677. He died on 26 October 1729, age 51, and is buried in the old cemetery at "The Green." [BBF] He married Elizabeth Delano of Middleborough on 24 May 1728. [SHE0][MMFC] Elizabeth (Miller) Delano, the daughter of John and Mercy Miller, was born on 18 February 1688/9 in Middleborough. [MVR0] Elizabeth Miller of Middleborough married [first] Nathan Delano of Dartmouth on July 1709 in Middleborough. [MVR0] Nathan, the son of Jonathan and Mercy (Warren) Delano and grandson of Philipe De La Noye and Nathaniel (Richard) Warren, was born on 29 October 1688 in Dartmouth. [MVR0]

On 15 November 1729 Elizabeth Howland, widow, and Mr. Nathaniel Southworth were appointed administrators of the estate of Seth Howland of Middleborough, "Lately Dyed Intestate." [SHE0] Elizabeth Howland, widow, and Nathaniel Southworth, gentleman, posted a bond on the same day. [SHE0] Inventory was taken on 19 February 1729/30 and it totalled 1772 pounds, 18 shillings and two pence, less debts of 47 pounds, 3 shillings and 10 pence. [SHE0]

ii. Isaac Howland was born on 6 March 1678/9. He died on 26 February 1723/4, age 44, and is buried in the old cemetery at "The Green." [GEB0][BBF] He married Sarah Thomas, the daughter of Jeremiah Thomas and Lydia Howland. [GEB0][HWAA] She married second Deacon Samuel Wood.

Administration of the estate of Isaac Howland, Jr., was granted to his widow Sarah Howland on 6 March 1723/4.The same day Sarah, Nathaniel Southworth and Nathaniel Thomas posted bond. Inventory was taken on 13 March 1723/4 by Jonathan Cobb, Peter Bennett and Nathaniel Southworth. The value of the real estate amounted to 158 pounds. Sarah made oath to the inventory on 1 January 1724. On 9 Jane 1724 Mr. Jeremiah Thomas was granted the guardianship of three minor grandchildren. On 21 May 1735 the children chose Mr. Samuel Wood as their guardian. [GEB0]

iii. Priscilla Howland was born on 22 August 1681. She died on 3 March 1746. She married Captain Peter Bennett.

iv. Elizabeth Howland was born on 2 December 1682 in Middleborough. She died on 1 April 1685 in Middleborough. [MVRM]

v. Nathan Howland was born on 17 January 1687. He died before July 1759. He married Frances Coombs.

vi. Jael Howland was born on 13 October 1688. She married Nathaniel Southworth. [WLN] Nathaniel, the son of Nathaniel and Desire (Gray) Southworth, was born on 18May 1684 in Plymouth an baptized there in 1685. [WLN]

Nathaniel's brother Constant and his father left him land in their wills of 14 January 1702 and 18 September 1708, respectively. [WLN]

Jael Southworth was admitted to full communion in the First Church in Middleborough on 22 January 1726. [MMFC]

vii. Susanna Howland was born on 14 October 1690. She died on 1 October 1720, age 30, in Middleborough. [HWAA] She married Ephraim Wood, the brother of her sister-in-law Sarah (Thomas) Howland's second husband, was born in January 1679 in Middleborough and died there on 9 July 1744. [HWAA] He married second Patience (Nichols) Holmes as her second husband. [HWAA] Patience, the daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Winston) Nichols, was born on 25 February 1685/6 in Scituate. [HWAA] She married first Deacon Experience Homes on 6 January 1707 in Scituate. [HWAA]

viii. Hannah Howland was born on 6 October 1694. She married John Tinkham on 11 December 1716 in Middleborough. [MVR0]


VRMM. Robert M. Sherman and Ruth Wilder Sherman, Vital Records of Marshfield, Massachusetts: To the End of the Year 1849 (n.p.: Society of Mayflower Descendants of the State of Rhode Island, 1970): 4.

VRMS. Vital Records of Scituate, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850, 2 vols. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1909), vol. 1: 383.

GEB0. George Ernest Bowman, "Howland Notes," Mayflower Descendant 17 (1915): 187–190.

HWAA. Alicia Crane Williams, "Henry Wood alias Atwooed of Middleborough, Massachusetts," Mayflower Descendant 48 (1998): 135–40, specifically 137–9.

BBF. George Ernest Bowman, "The Bowman Files," Mayflower Descendant 38 (1988): 151.

SHE0. The Editors, "Seth Howland's Estate," Mayflower Descendant 21 (1919): 179–84.

MVRM. George Ernest Bowman, "Middleborough, Massachusetts, Births, Marriages and Deaths," Mayflower Descendant 1 (1899): 220–4 (births of the children and death of Elizabeth, Jr.).

IHW. George Ernest Bowman, "Isaac Howland's Will and Inventory," Mayflower Descendant 6 (1904): 147–51.

WLN. The Editors, "The Wills of Lieutenant Nathaniel Southworth and His Son Constant," Mayflower Descendant 21 (1919): 24–28.

MVRD. Vital Records of Dartmouth, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850, 3 vols. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1929–1930): vol 1: 78, 2: 155 (Jonathan Delano married Mercy Warren, the daughter of Nathaniel of Plymouth 28 February 1677/8).

MVR0. Barbara Lambert Merrick and Alicia Crane Williams, Middleborough, Massachusetts Vital Records, 2 vols. (Boston: Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1990, 1987), vol. 1: 10, 24, 42.

MMFC. "Church Records, 1707–1821," images, "Middleboro, Mass. First Church," webpage, Congretional Library & Archives (, 21 (marriage of Seth), 22 (Jael).

Last revised: 07-Sep-2023