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John Houghton was one of the early signers of the articles of agreement of Lancaster on 24 (7) 1654. [ERLM] John received a lot in the 3 February 1659 division of meadowland. [ERLM] On 1 (12) 1663 John was given libert to lay down a half home lot, as he had been granted a lot and a half. [ERLM] On 3 (12) 1667 John was given the liberty to cut timber on the commons for use in his trade. [ERLM] On 7/8 (12) 1670 John was allowed to exchange 20 acres of second division land for a 20-acre plain near his meadow. [ERLM]

John and his son John signed a 11 March 1675/6 petition describing the state of Lancaster after the Indian massacre. It said many had fled, but those left were encompassed by Indians in just two garrisons and unable to leave; they were running out of food. It requested a guard of men. [ERLM]

Children of :

i. John Houghton married Mary Farrar.

ii. Jonas Houghton of Lancaster married Mary Berbeane of Woburn on 15 February 1681 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

iii. Beatrix Houghton was born on 3 (10) 1665 in Lancaster. [MVRL] Beatrix Houghton of Lancaster married John Pope of Lancaster on 20 September 1683 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

iv. Benjamin Houghton was born on 25 May 1668 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

v. Sarah Houghton was born on 30 (5) 1672 in Lancaster. [MVRL]


MVRL. Nourse, Henry S., Birth, Marriage and Death Register, Church Records and Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1850 (Clinton, MA, W. J. Coulter, Printer, 1890), 11 (birth of Beatrix, Jr.), 12 (birth of Benjamin), 14 (birth of Sarah), 15 (marriages of Beatrix and Jonas).

ERLM. Henry S. Nourse, The Earliest Records of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1725 (Lancaster: J. Coulter, 1884)., 35 (covenant), 71 (division of meadowland), 75 (home lot), 80 (timber), 82 (land exchange), 108 (1676 petition).

Last revised: 16-May-2021