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Nathaniel married second Lydia Miller. [NEM0]

A grant was made to Edmund Freeman and nine associates who had been residents of Saugus (Lynn) to have land for a settlement at what is now called Sandwich on 3 April 1637. Nathaniel, [his brother] John and Jonathan Fish were three of about 50 men who came with them as settlers. [HCC]

Nathaniel Fish and [his brother] John Fish each received one and a half acres of meadow land in Sandwich on 16 April 1640; [their brother] Jonathan received two acres. [SBCR][NSB1]

Nathaniel Fish was appointed constable in Sandwich on 5 June 1651. [NBS2]

The town granted him five acres on 10 March 1669. [SBCR] On 31 March 1681 Joseph Burge was chosen to lay out the five acres that were granted to Mr. Nathaniel Fish in 1669. [SBRC]

Nathaniel was one of those who signed a 1655 letter to Mr. Leveridge, asking him to the minister in Sandwich. [SBCR]

Nathaniel was chosen a grandjuryman on 18 May 1658 [SBCR]

On 16 January 1682 the town considered the necessity of contributing something for the relief of Mr. Nathaniel Fish in respect to his current want, especially because of his wife's sickness. [SBRC]

On 29 May 1655, John Fish contributed ten shillings to the building of a public meetinghouse. [SBCR] On 5 November 1657 John Fish was on a committee to make a rate of 24 pounds and 14 shillings for the purchase of Manonascate and for wolf traps and wolves. [SBCR] On 18 May 1659 he was chosen a grandjuryman. [SBCR] On 15 May 1663 he was chosen constable. [SBCR]

Children of Nathaniel Fish:

i. Ambrose Fish married Hannah Swift.

ii. Nathaniel Fish was born on 27 November 1648. [MVRS]

iii. John Fish was born on 13 April 1651 in Sandwich. [MVRS]

iv. Samuel Fish was born on 10 August 1668 in Sandwich. [MVRS]


HCC. Frederick Freeman, The History of Cape Cod: The Annals of 13 Towns of Barnstable County, vol. 2 (Boston: George C. Rand & Avery, 1862), 15–16

SBCR. Sandwich and Bourne Colony and Town Records, Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy (Yarmouthport: C.W. Swift, 1912), no page numbers, book in poor condition.

MVRS. Caroline Lewis Cardell and Russell A. Lovell, Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850, 2 vols. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1996), vol. 1: 3 (Nathaniel Jr.'s birth), 6 (John's birth), 18 (Samuel's birth).

NBS1. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1, Court Orders, 1633–1640 (Boston: William White, 1855).

NBS2. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2, Court Orders, 1641–1651 (Boston: William White, 1855).

NEM0. "New England Marriages to 1700," digitized books, AmericanAncestors, originally published as Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015), 1: 544.

Last revised: 11-Dec-2022