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Jacob Farrar, Sr., died on 14 August 1677 in Woburn. [MVRL]

Jacob's brother John Farrar also lived in briefly Lancaster. [ERLM] He was admitted an inhabitant of Woburn in 1656 and died there, "very old," in 1690. [ERLM]

John and Jacob Farrar were two of the early signers of the articles of agreement of Lancaster on 24 September 1653. [ERLM]

The town listed estates in 1654 for purposes of dividing land and they ranged from about 78 pounds for Henry Kerley to about 380 pounds for John White. Jacob Farrar's estate was about 107 pounds, which increased to about 168 pounds after his wife arrived. [ERLM] He received about four acres in the 1654 division of meadow, which was increased to about six acres after his wife arrived. He also received four acres for John Farrar. [ERLM] He is on on 9 (1) 1654 list of townsmen. [ERLM] John and Jacob received lots in the 3 February 1659 division of meadowland. [ERLM]

Jacob signed a 11 March 1675/6 petition describing the state of Lancaster after the Indian massacre. It said many had fled, but those left were encompassed by Indians in just two garrisons and unable to leave; they were running out of food. It requested a guard of men. [ERLM]

Children of :

i. Jacob Farrar, Jr. was killed in an Indian raid on Lancaster on Sunday, 22 August 1675. [MVRL] He married Hannah Hayward on 11 November 1668 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

On 7 (1) 1658(9?) the town of Lancaster planned to lay out the bounds and Job Whitcomb and young Jacob Farrar were to carry the chain. [ERLM]

Jacob's son 35-year-old son Ensign John Farrar, was killed in an Indian fight on 17 August 1707 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

ii. John Farrar died on 3 November 1669 in Lancaster. [MVRL] He married Mary Unknown on 30 June 1667 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

ii. Henry Farrar, the son of Jacob, Sr., was killed in an Indian massacre on 10 February 1676 in Lancaster. [MVRL]

iii. Mary Farrar married John Houghton.

iv. Joseph Farrar was born on 6 August 1660. [MVR]


MVRL. Nourse, Henry S., Birth, Marriage and Death Register, Church Records and Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1850 (Clinton, MA, W. J. Coulter, Printer, 1890), 13 (John's death and marriage, Jacob, Jr.'s marriage), 16 (Jacob, Jr.'s and Henry's deaths), 17 (Ensign John's death), 19 (Jacob's death), 452 (Adam's birth: "from sundry sources supposed reliable").

ERLM. Henry S. Nourse, The Earliest Records of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643–1725 (Lancaster: J. Coulter, 1884), 35 (covenant), 33–40 (land division), 41 (1654 list of townsmen), 64 (Jacob, Jr. and the chain), 71 (division of meadowland), 108 (1676 petition), 257 (brother John's death).

Last revised: 12-Apr-2022