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Mr. Richard Bourne married Mrs. Ruth Winslow on 2 July 1677. [MVRS]

On 4 September 1638 the court ordered that fines were to be charged for unringed swine in Sandwich and Richard was assessed for three pigs. [SBCR]

Richard Bourne was on the committee for the town of Sandwich on 4 June 1639. [NBS1]

On 7 January 1650 the town agreed to pay Richard 20 shillings and his levy in consideration of the labor and pains he had taken in business concerning the town [SBCR]

On 28 February 1652 Richard Bourne and Thomas Dexter were appointed to arrange a peaceful end to the differences between the inhabitants of Scuatton Neck. [SBCR] On 13 May 1653 Richard was one of four men told to make a rate of 37 pounds that was to be paid in current money or butter. [SBCR] On 13 May 1654 Goodman Bourne was one of five men engaged to frame a petition to the Plymouth Court of grant and assist them in purchasing Mannamet. [SBCR] On 23 November 1654 Goodman Bourne was one of five men called upon to make a rate of 18 pounds. [SBCR] On 28 October 1658 Richard Bourne was chosen one of five men to make a rate of 28 pounds and 13 shillings. [SBCR] Also on that day, he was chosen one of seven men to lay out land and establish the true bounds. [SBCR] On 29 November 1659 he was one of five men chosen to make a rate of 13 pounds. He was also appointed to meet with the Barnstable men and to run the boundary line. [SBCR] On 13 (10) 1659 Thomas Burge and John Ellis agreed to onvey 17 barrels of whale oil to the custody of Richard Bourne. On the same day, Richard was one of four men chosen to meet with the Barnstable men to run the line between Sandwich and Barnstable. [SBCR] On 14 (11) 1659 Richard was chosen on of three men to end differences between Sandwich and Barnstable. [SBCR] On 13 9 1660 it was agreed that Richard Bourne and Thomas Tupper, Sr. would keep the towns powder and they were both chosen two of the four raters for the next year. Also on that day, the town gavae Richard 40 acres by the little swamp. [SBCR] On 16 May 1662 Goodman Bourne was called upon to be helpful to the committee for the town when they attempted to attain what enlargement they could for the town at the next ourt. [SBCR] On 15 May 1663 Goodman Bourne and Goodman Tupper were two of four men appointed to lay out four acres for Richard Smith. [SBCR]On 28 January 1664 Goodman Bourne was one of five men chosen to be a rater. [SBCR] On 11 May 1665 Goodman Bourne was one of two men chosen to lay out six acres for Ludowack Hawkse. [SBCR] On 24 May 1665 Goodman Bourne was chosen to be on the committee for the town. [SBCR] On 20 February 1667 Richard was one of six men appointed to be raters for the year. [SBCR] On 18 March 1669 Richard Bourne and Thomas Burge, Sr. were appointed to lay out land for Benjamin Nye. [SBCR] On 2 September 1673 Richard Bourne was one of two men chosen to lay out land for the minister's house. [SBCR]

Children of Richard Bourne and Bathseba Unknown:

i. Job Bourne married Ruhamah Hallett.

ii. Shearjashub Bourne

On 29 April 1673 Shearjashub was chosen a grandjuryman. [SBCR]

iii. Ezra Bourne was born on 12 May 1648. [MVRS]

iv. Elisha Bourne married Patience Skiffe on 26 October 1675 in Sandwich. [MVRS]


SBCR. Sandwich and Bourne Colony and Town Records, Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy (Yarmouthport: C.W. Swift, 1912), no page numbers.

MVRS. Caroline Lewis Cardell and Russell A. Lovell, Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850, 2 vols. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1996), vol. 1: 3 (birh of Ezra), 7 (marriage of Elisha), 23 (marriage of Richard and Ruth).

NBS1. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1, Court Orders, 1633–1640 (Boston: William White, 1855).

Last revised: 24-May-2021